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Everything posted by moogyboobles

  1. I've had a couple of tiny showers, the petrichor is delightful! I'm quite enjoying this very April weather today.
  2. Lovely squall just passed over SWF. Still raining but the sun is out now. Everything is so green and blue after that!
  3. I know! Currently another snow shower here in South Woodham. Wind gusting away. I waited all winter for this!
  4. Had some proper lovely fat flakes about 10:20 am, it did at one point look like we would get more but it pivoted a bit so is passing us by in SWF now. So cold.
  5. So sorry to be coping with that for so long. I have no idea how SWF escaped a power cut. A lot of damage here though, many big trees and walls over.
  6. Thank goodness there are no leaves on the trees this time of year. Still pretty windy here in South Woodham... but the sky is rather pretty right now with the sun about to set.
  7. Ah yes I'm having a hard time working! I'm checking here, listening to Shaun Keaveny's new radio show (he opened with the song John Kettley is a Weatherman) and looking out the window. Hoping the power cuts don't get to me.
  8. I just popped to the Co-op before staying in for the day. The carrion crows were going a bit mad in the sky, never seen them this noisy.
  9. Thank you! No plans to go out tomorrow at all. I just remembered I left the bird feeders out, I was just going to bring them in the morning but I'l go do it now. I had plans to plant a few new shrubs that arrived yesterday, I'm going to wait a couple of days now!
  10. Essex CC parks will all be closed tomorrow (so car parks will be locked). Chelmsford Market have decided to not to trade in the high street tomorrow.
  11. Lovely blue skies this morning, for now! Yesterday I must have looked like a bit of a weirdo in Sainsbury's car park enjoying these clouds.
  12. Yes I was just reading about it after spotting a few US friends post about battening down the hatches on facebook.
  13. Absolutely beautiful morning. Blue skies that remind me of summer, until I go outside! Still frosty here.
  14. Sod's law. I hadn't left my town, South Woodham, in weeks. Yesterday I popped into Chelmsford... and it snowed at home while I was there. I missed it. Proper lovely from this morning though so that's something.
  15. The last hour or so of today was just lovely. Hazy blue sky and an absolutely gorgeous sunset. But still 15 degrees in Christmas week is a bit wrong.
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