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Everything posted by swales

  1. Some new snowfall at Rovaniemi, Finland overnight. http://www.rovaniemi.fi/layouts/rovaniemi/includes/360/lordi-aukio.asp?sek=10
  2. Good effort Isolated Frost Hopefully the thread won't get locked because of some of the other members.
  3. Hi thanks for the reply. Yes it is pointing North but it would be irrelevant in my case because I just want the wind vane direction indicator to stop pointing in the opposite direction of the wind. Well at least it goes in the line of wind it's just pointing the wrong way around so instead of a Westerly wind it would indicate an Easterly wind (I'm not talking about the base display I'm talking about the actual physical indicator outside). Hope you understand, regards
  4. Maybe you were doing it wrong - Press search once > when you hear the beep press it again but HOLD it in and soon you will hear another beep. It will start searching then.
  5. Okay I'm officially an idiot... Rain gauge now synced as I wasn't using the 'search' button properly.
  6. Hey Snowstorm, not sure on the sunlight issue as I'm an amateur and not very creative And guess what, I've just been testing my rain gauge again and it appears it's not syncing with the base station... I even changed the batteries in the dark just now and I took the base station to it to get better signal and no luck... :o So there we have it - The wind vane spindle thing is giving opposite directions; Rain gauge isn't giving the base station results. What next... 2 down just the temp sensor and wind speed to go now :L Oh dear.
  7. Hi Snowstorm the rain gauge worked when I tested it with a little clean water but I have only put it out today so we'll see when the rain comes. The wind vane and temp sensor has been since day 1 and seem okay except the direction thing with the wind. I found a spot in the garden near my shed where there is no sunlight at all through the day so that's fine for now.
  8. Okay so my station has been set up for a little while now but I need some advice.... Everything seems to working well except the WIND DIRECTION. I can feel a WESTERLY wind blowing on me but when I look at the Wind Vane direction thingy it's EASTERLY. It's frustrating because my wind direction is actual opposite to what it actually is and yes I have set the device correctly but that's irrelevant because it's the physical direction thing on the wind vane that appears to be giving inaccurate directions. I've also detached the device and moved it around but it's still messed up. I hope you understand what I mean, everything is set up perfectly but the directional device (the thing that spins with an arrow) is pointing towards the wind (instead of the tail facing it). Do you think it's a manufactured problem with the arrow thing? It's narrow and straight, unbent and looks in good shape. I'm baffled? Any help much appreciated - sorry for the long explanation trying to make it clear.
  9. It's up and running here with me and so far so good but I was wondering where the most 'ideal' location for the temperature sensor should be and what height from the ground? Thanks
  10. Nice snow here http://www.lokalstyre.no/files/havna/havnebilde/havnbilde1.jpg
  11. That's what I wanted to hear, thanks. I'll probably buy it after getting back from Portugal
  12. Hello, thanks for the replies. I was looking here (http://www.weathershop.co.uk/shop/collections/best-sellers/oregon-scientific-wmr100n-weather-station.html)at the WMR100N. It's £130 so just in my budget! Is this worth it for the price or could I pick up something else with just as much or more features similarly priced?
  13. Others have probably asked this question a lot so I'm sorry. I'm 18 soon and I'm going to treat myself to a weather station. My budget is only £130 so any suggestions would be much appreciated? Regards, Shaun.
  14. Weather at 0100 hours Shap England 4.1c http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/uk/nw/shap_latest_weather.html Altnaharra, Scotland 4.8 http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/uk/he/altnaharra_latest_weather.html It is most likely to drop lower but by how much. We'll see in the morning. (this morning)
  15. Altnaharra keeps dropping... Currently 1.7c at 0100. http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/uk/he/altnaharra_latest_weather.html
  16. With my room it's normally between 20-23C Tonight it's 18C and I haven't even had the window open (first night in weeks). My feet are freezing
  17. Thank you very much for the replies, it has helped me understand better. I was wondering if fresh snowfall around September/October in the Scottish mountains if possible would actually stick in to the rest of winter rather than thaw? One last thing, again may sound silly but do you expect some snow patches to survive in to this winter? (I'm thinking yes?)
  18. May be a stupid question but what sort of temperatures/conditions do patches need to survive? Thanks.
  19. Okay I looked outside - at times it looks like 90-100 % snow... I'm not far from the coast (6 miles give or take) and less than 100M ASL What's the situation like elsewhere around South / West ?
  20. A lot more flakes with me now... I just wish I was a little further up the hill
  21. Well heavy as in large flakes reducing visibility vastly I would define as heavy which was the case 10 minutes ago here. (Still doesn't beat the super-size flakes on Tuesday some weeks ago in the other cold snap)
  22. All this icy rain/drizzle/snizzle or god knows what it is is spoiling everything... god lots of slush out there now and very slippery Need some HEAVY precip here or the rest of the night will be this pathetic crap. What started off as a very good afternoon with optimism has turned to a wet and sludgy hell hole. Still some snow remains although it feels a little wet (great snow balls by the way )
  23. Not 'snowing' with me... now it's more like very fine bits of ice which isn't contributing to accumulation Snow on lawn and parts of path but tons of slush here in my side. Again, I think me problem is altitude. Could help with being inland a bit more.
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