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Everything posted by Coast

  1. Welcome John and happy posting! It's the only sure-fire way of avoiding disappointment!
  2. and 50 years ago today: http://en.wikipedia....nited_Kingdom The sea froze at Minnis Bay near Margate:
  3. 50 years ago today....... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winter_of_1962%E2%80%931963_in_the_United_Kingdom
  4. Just to go along with the general weather thoughts for the next few days, looks like we are in for a sustained period of dry weather: Things start to change around the 8th with some light rain possible and more on the 10th, but that's as far as I'll stick my neck out currently. I can't see anything that suggests the white stuff or any real cold at the moment.
  5. 3.8°C 1022.7 mb rising 0.7 mb/hr Wind 3.0 mph gusting 12.8 mph max NW DP 2.0°C Humidity 88% No rain last 24 hours Cloud base 744ft Clear with a slight frost
  6. Morning all, first day back??? Clear skies overnight left a bit of frost to scrape off the screen but temps are a full 4°C higher inland at work. Have a good one, whatever your day brings!
  7. Back from the sad talk about gee-gees and onto weather and we could see some fog next week:
  8. I'm afraid I'm already the custodian of a 37 year old cob who is very much a single horse. Sorry to hear of the equine difficulties.
  9. It certainly is but it would be nice to find somewhere in Sussex that doesn't require Wellingtons every step of the way and won't leave you knee deep in water or a general muddy quagmire. Still managed to get out for a New Years day amble of a few miles and at least the sun was beaming down! Sorry about the quality of these, phone camera again:
  10. Apart from a bit of light drizzle maybe tomorrow, it looks dry but overcast right the way through to the 8th now:
  11. Please post your daily weather observations and meteorological chat in here
  12. Morning all!!! So a new day, a new year and beautiful sunshine in clear blue skies. Lets hope we can see more of the weather we want now and a bit less of that pesky rain for a while.
  13. Yep, I'm a little too reflective on what's been a daft year for many personal reasons - I just don't want to visit it again TBH!
  14. Raining like mad again now, should be the last of it for a few days at least.
  15. Blowing up a big one out there but there is so much rain and onshore wind that I couldn't get any decent pictures. On to the serious stuff now though and the last drinking session of 2012 commences shortly! Cheers for the year everyone!
  16. Thank you and Happy New Year to you too Scrat!!! ESTOFEX have a forecast out which includes us: Which kinda looks like this:
  17. Breezy old day out there, but is that all we are in for? More rain on its way for a time: Plenty of shear and gusty wind in the SE:
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