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Everything posted by Coast

  1. http://www.thisisbristol.co.uk/Flood-warnings-issued-rivers-threaten-burst-banks/story-17663525-detail/story.html
  2. http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/local-national/uk/christmas-on-hold-as-floods-loom-16254044.html#ixzz2FxE9C3Kf
  3. Morning John and Happy Crimble buddy! I've not looked that far ahead at the moment but I'll need a lot of energetic walks by that point as I'll be full of mince pies and drink!!! I did see there was a glancing blow of heavy rain on boxing day for the coast around me: Stay in and pour yourself a drink instead Steve!
  4. Same here Andy! 11.8°C 997.7 mb falling 0.6 mb/hr Wind 16.5 mph gusting 26.5 mph max W/SW DP 10.8°C Humidity 93% 6.0mm rain last 24 hours Cloud base 452 ft Damp and drizzly
  5. Morning all and Merry Christmas!!! Another 6.00 mm fell overnight. Not much in itself but having been the length and breadth of the County yesterday, I can vouch for the many areas of land under water and with more to come, it doesn't seem like it's going to recede. Also starting to get blowy outside now.
  6. Please put you Christmas eve observations and daily weather chat in here!
  7. Can we try a little experiment here? Try rubbing your monitor or screen as we've just installed a scratch and sniff app.....
  8. In simple terms; mild and wet - too wet! 805.5mm of the stuff so far this year:
  9. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/de9d8a08-4c3e-11e2-af2c-00144feab49a.html#axzz2FrjmeEvh
  10. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20829807 Still, maybe these high winds that are coming later will become our hair-dryer or will they cause problems with tree roots and ground already so soaked?? There's a surprise, more rain..... Looks like Santa is going to be a bit wet this year:
  11. 11.4°C 1000.9 mb rising 1.0 mb/hr Wind 9.8 mph gusting 22.2 mph max W/NW DP 10.6°C Humidity 95% 15.8mm rain last 24 hours Cloud base 318 ft Overcast and ridiculously mild
  12. Morning peeps, is it safe to come out on deck of the Ark??? 15.8mm of rain in the last 24 hours but the cumulative totals for the last few days shows just how wet and rubbish it's been: So much to do today outside, the horse is in his own private swimming pool, the dog is going to need water wings and I can see a Sunday spent in wellies What I really can't stand is this mildness. It seems like the whole year has the thermostat set at one temperature and apart from a few cold spells recently, it's not wavered. Oh well, just going to have to try and battle through it all some how........
  13. I think the heavy stuff is more to the South of you currently (and on it's way here). I suspect Xmas is on a lot of members minds, but I can see we could get some reports of adverse weather and its after effects later this morning.
  14. Even the Eastern part of our patch doesn't escape: http://www.cambridge-news.co.uk/News/More-flood-warnings-as-waters-rise-21122012.htm
  15. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/topics/weather/9762547/Flooding-brings-travel-chaos-and-evacuations.html#
  16. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/topics/weather/9762547/Flooding-brings-travel-chaos-and-evacuations.html#
  17. Just had a look at things on the radar and charts for midday, it's really not good:
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