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Everything posted by Coast

  1. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/topics/weather/9744394/Heavy-rainfall-and-gale-force-winds-sweep-in-from-south-west.html
  2. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/celebritynews/9743532/Sir-Patrick-Moores-dying-wish-to-turn-his-home-into-a-museum..html
  3. I've just been through the convective/TStorm/tornado/gusty wind chances for today here: A lot of it applies to our region
  4. Morning storm fans! Unsurprisingly, ESTOFEX have a forecast for today: SkyWarn on the case too: Nothing yet from UKASF or TORRO, 21st OWS showing the TStorm potential: Aviation weather: Here comes the system with associated MLCAPE: Shear and convergence: France has mega shear, we also get some of it (look out for helical activity!): Gusty winds: and plenty of rain: Higher lase rates don't start affecting us until later: But there is some moisture in that system: What does it all give us then? Plenty of rain and gusting winds, maybe up to 60 mph on exposed coasts and in The Channel, with a chance of a tornado or spout. Possible small rumble form TStorms out to sea later in the day?
  5. 7.6°C 989.9 mb falling 1.4 mb/hr Wind 17.3 mph gusting 28.0 mph max S DP 5.6°C Humidity 87% No rain last 24 hours Cloud base 835 ft Breezy but milder
  6. Morning John, morning all! It certainly looks a bit nasty and the wind has started whipping up already, gusting to 28.0 mph with higher to come. A balmy 7.6°C is a bit of a shock after the last few days! Rain is on it's way but GFS has it confined to the area around me on the coast at first: Then more widely into the North East of our region: Here it comes!
  7. Look at all the moisture that's wrapped in it too, you can see why it will be easy to get 20mm, maybe 30mm dumped out of this system tomorrow: The convective gusts are a little closer now: and look at the mega-shear on my doorstep, eyes to the skies tomorrow for helical activity!! and of course rain.. Should be worth getting down to the seafront to watch the waves at lunchtime:
  8. Jesting aside, glad to see some of you in Kent and the boarders are getting snow, it wasn't in the forecasts or charts really!
  9. Yep, you may need to get over to 'The Bay' and look out to sea:
  10. Not much on its way at this point, well not in comparison to tomorrows expected totals. Believe me if I could I would! I don't want all this rain any more than you, but my influence on these matters isn't what it used to be. I blame it on the Mayans......
  11. Precipitation accumulation charts look interesting for tomorrow:
  12. My back garden slopes towards the house and although I put a retaining wall and ample drainage in, it still pools up in bad weather and this year I've just given up! Proobaly like you, we are on thick grey clay which you can make pots from and I've tried everything to break it up - I think I'll just start a pottery. Have a pair of wellies on stand-by if you are thinking of going out in it tomorrow
  13. Surprise surprise! http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2012/dec/13/fracking-shale-gas-green-light
  14. Here's what's going to give us the rain I guess: Other sources showing the rain from Midday onwards: Can't find anywhere currently that doesn't show substantial rain for us tomorrow
  15. Mine is still soaking and likely to get a lot more tomorrow midday
  16. Checking the rainfall for the SE/EA region, I notice you guys get an awful lot of the rain just before us:
  17. You can see from this XC Weather chart where the cold still really digs in, but the further South (and closer to the coast) you get it gets relatively milder this morning: http://www.xcweather.co.uk/
  18. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20707574 I think we all know the decision has already been made and allows for more fracking to continue?
  19. I've just checked some other sources for tomorrows rain event and it doesn't look pretty. Check this NMM chart from NW Extra and see the red blob, right over Eastbourne......
  20. Tomorrow stacking up to be interesting: Rain, lots of it: Substantial shear out over France and clipping the Channel coast: Gusty, convective wind: Leading into a few days of convective possibilities:
  21. Thank for that John, we certainly have some substantial rain coming: Also an immense area of shear just over The Channel in France - mega!! That may give the odd tornado or spout out to sea and definitely some high winds and strong gusts: A complete contrast to earlier in the week: Maybe even some rumbles of thunder along the coast!
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