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Everything posted by fluffytrollop

  1. check out the lovely pink bit south east... Looks good for you now NW Blackburn, hopefully there'll be something left of the sheffield fall for us down here... I want to try out my new camera! (And I'm not quite bored of sledging yet. Bob hope of that.)
  2. LOL crazy boy...hens! ... they still lay in this weather - they are ISA bantams, bred by Merck in the 70's for the battery farm industry. Really are the martini girls - any time, any place, anywhere...one of them just bends over and out pops another one...a 'normal' bird would have stopped laying in the autumn. OOhh, just looked out and a lovely ominously heavy cloud is looming towards us...
  3. just a few flakes - landed on me as I was collecting the eggs... I'm up by the cemetery...where are you?
  4. I take all I've said back...lol it's snowing lightly here now delightfully stunned and clearly needing to just shut up now ha ha!
  5. anyway either way I'd be delightfully surprised, nay stunned to see this fall as snow now. the palpable tmp diff is astonishing. Just been out repairing a neighbour's pipe and despite being soaked I didn't freeze up. Or need gloves.
  6. yep, puzzling or what !? oh it loaded on saying it wasn't working... DOH. sorry. didn't say that the first time I looked...
  7. well here in tropical manchester the temp has risen enough for me to want to strip naked through the garden! oh NO! obvious signs of a thaw here now in M21 - burst pipe in next door's house widdling over the lovely packed ice... looks like wet stuff above us now - but having said that I woke up cold during the night for the first time since the onset of the cold spell - so the temp must have dropped sharply and risen again. Cant access thermoms yet so can't see what went on. well, it's been a joyous event for me and loads of playing out in the snow with the kids but the housework's been neglected so perhaps it's not such a bad thing? Should the weather decide it'll bestow more of the snow on us I'll obviously be a very delighted bunny though... Just checked Biddulph Park cam and it's raining metcheck webcams national Lymm looks like nothing happened...anyone from there?
  8. LOL that must be why the current obs for m21 say snow and the wispy cloud is not giving anything out! Personally I think anyone brave enough to even try to forecast snow esp in these conditions gets my vote for having courage!
  9. I think there's a lot of forecasting folk covering their backs atm, more so they cant be grollocked if it does arrive...but they can thumb their noses if it does...unsurprisingly, but irksome for all of us agog at the prospect of further ppn... heaps warmer here last night, marginal ppn today that I saw just added a light dusting to the very powdery stuff now lying. it was like walking through sand yesterday - hard work for the kids and very easy to sweat and freeze. No bins emptied and occasional visits from a postie who hasnt been issued safety gear...like snow chains etc. Hens appear to be doing better - eggs today! But am seriously hopeful that we do get another pasting, but watching Rob McElwee last night he was clear that the forecasts will frequently change over the coming days...so the're clear about um, not being clear. raintoday shows a lot of stuff braking at the pennines...doh them darn hills!
  10. mornin...rare for me to switch on this thing so early but what a disappointment to find no more snow - but not surprised...R4 forecast, still on about ice being treacherous - NO! well, here's to a good dumping over the weekend then...
  11. seems a little confusing - metcheck now says hulme is -4, woodford -8, yet other temps being recorded elsewhere on other websites which have stations in the same areas...oh well. its cold. lamp post/radar watch later ....
  12. Hi Ben, the temp at my neighbours' garden was -11 @ 7pm this eve - by the water....it didn't rise above -5 today. Hulme is a weird little climate - more thermal than here, we're pretty exposed.
  13. There's a weather station up at Hulme library, this is where that reading is from I suspect. Been to the water park? Idiots cycling over the frozen lake. Neighbour's thermo read -11 at about 7pm this evening...blankets for the hens then.
  14. meto predicting more snowfall for gtr mcr tonight -meto mcr forecast soooo....with any luck....
  15. absolutely freeeezing out there. thank heavens for tea and cheese on toast. If the kids were in school it'd be welsh rarebit and old speckled hen. Meto now warning of a band of heavy snow over gtr manchester...? from midnight til about 6 could happen. school just said they are opening tomorrow but we'll doubtless get the text in the morning if snow arrives...
  16. aye up munchermark, check out the precipicast on metcheck... metcheck
  17. Hi solar cycles, yes I do agree that there has been a poor show re the froecasts - last night said clear forecasts and it's only now the bbc is saying showers today! even the meto said it would be clear today!
  18. Morning!!! what a lovely surprise...son number 1 outside making snowballs again, decent depth of snowfall today - about 3cm up here - but now looks more like sleet than snow currently falling. quite a bit of graupel earlier down the back o me coat but plans to get out there in a bit with the kids before it all disapppears in the (holds breath) rain...? I really hope not.
  19. wahey!! loadsa snow!!! WOOHOO!!! post you a pic later when I get the battries charged up - had a good blanket this morning of about 3cm here in M21. mixed with graupel though and heavy dark cloud looking very full of solids coming overhead..
  20. meteox looks hopeful for later on this eve...
  21. sat24 radar looks hopeful, earlier on M21 had a lovely graceful fall of snow, but hangover only now subsided enough to sit up to post. (Sticking to nice ale next time. bloody champagne.) well, happy new year to all and here's to a snowy one.
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