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Everything posted by Neilsouth

  1. Hot, humid, lots of altocumulus but not a single storm - Kent
  2. Lots of instability about with altocumulus, but it needs to go bang!
  3. I thought we had some great strikes the other day, but O M G! Check these out https://www.lightningmaps.org/?lang=en#m=sat;r=0;t=3;s=200;o=0;b=;n=0;y=45.51;x=9.4411;z=9;d=2;dl=2;dc=0;
  4. It's been pretty awful for a few years now bar the odd weak storm, this year so far has been an exception. Best places seem to be down the east/south east coast of kent as some storms go up the dover straights
  5. Awesome and unexpected storm tonight, lots of flashing, rumbles and the odd strike to ground! Totally unforecasted
  6. Incorrect I was on the hills just outside of Hythe and there were numerous strikes to ground... Great radar returns too!
  7. Nice one SupaCell! - Here's mine One of the most charged storms I've ever witnessed, a true Thunderstorm event with everything but a tornado lol. There was countless strikes far worse than these below and one even struck a house nearby
  8. I believe they started about 10 or 11 and went on till at least 2/3am
  9. During the 28th the weather was rather humid, but there were no signs in our part of the approaching chaos that was to hit the hythe/kent area that night, even though the forecasts warned of possible storms. By late evening about 10pm, I could hear rumbles and decided to look outside to see if it was a Thunderstorm or just some old person putting the bin out. Sure enough from then on, it turned from the odd flash, to strikes and flashes every few mins. One of the most amazing storms I have ever seen in my life. What was really gutting though, was I didn't have a fully charged camera and missed out on many strikes that not only knocked our power out, but set car alarms off!
  10. Felt bloody chilly on the north kent coast today, that nagging wind really dragging the temps down... Last day of it YAY!
  11. Does anyone have a chart for Sunday please as we are doing a Boot Fair run And also hoping to go out for a picnic! So far we are looking towards Monday and Tuesday
  12. Agreed, mum is really suffering with this weather, having stage 3 kidney disease is bad enough
  13. Maybe but as that wind strengthens there's going to be alot of cloud coming into eastern counties and it will not feel warm at all in that wind, something the east as suffered from throughout the last few years on and off.
  14. Not so, even here the weather was cold and with a lot of high cloud as well, that nagging wind affected alot of areas and more than a minority. Hopefully this upcoming high pressure will be placed in a favourable position for all, as wearing a coat to keep warm is being tedious
  15. I keep reading " Pleasant " weather in the model section, tbh although it's been sunny that wind has been down right chilly in this part of the country. T-shirt weather it is not
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