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Everything posted by chrisbell-nottheweatherman

  1. I'm glad that a more experienced member was unaware of that! :o
  2. There's been a few showers in this prt of the country, but nothing too exciting.
  3. I'm seeing some biggish clouds here - any chance of convection and storms here for this evening?
  4. Thanks! I'm thinking about buying one of the cloud books in the learners area.
  5. Just got back from swimming at a pool at a place called Howe (for those who want look on a map :huh: , it's just south of Poringland, and I saw the definite outline of something anvil-topped to the south - somewhere just past Brooke, I suspect. Nice pics Phil!
  6. I'm surprised you can see that far - it looks a loooong way on the map!
  7. Looks from RainToday that the nearest to your north is the southernm end of the Kyle of Tongue storm - approx. midway down Loch Shin. EDIT: Which has now drifted further north.
  8. Another Norfolkman - I'm in Mulbarton! Stratocumulus - that was the one I was trying to recognise a few minutes ago! (Still very much an idiot trying to learn something).
  9. Breeze picking-up but quite hot, and some heavier cumulus developing - could we be in line for a shower?
  10. Very true - even to a more basic and much less dangerous level. During my time as an Undergraduate I saw more people getting soaked during cold winter downpours without any waterproof clothing than I had seen before or have seen since. Another memory is seeing a female student skidding along a walkway covered in hard-packed, icy snow in stilettos (and this was in the midle of the day, too, so no excuses about being ready togo clubbing or something). On a more serious level, I recall hearing a year or two ago about a posh girls' school that sent some of its pupils up a tall mountain somewhere in uniform, trainers and with bin-liners for waterproof protection.
  11. 2006 was indeed a good year for storms - we had a few days in the North Hampshire/South-East Berkshire area and the heat there was intense. Storms followed that night, but, afterwards, the heat kept building. Finally, it popped a few days after we got home - mid-late evening, one vigorous storm to the South-West of us that was flashing around once per second, another, slightly less violent one to our North. I missed the storms on 1989 - we were on holiday on Jersey, where the weather was dry all the time. I do remember sitting in the hotel dining room having breakfast one morning and seeing cloud in the far distance, which would have been off the North coast of the island. On arriving back home, our neighbours told us that, on that same day, there had been a huge storm directly overhead. 1995 I remember more for the heat and the fact that we were directed off the A11 on our way to go to Kent on holiday by a roadside fire - the countryside was like a tinderbox that year.
  12. Sunny, fair-weather cumulus, fresher than of recent, though still warm in sun. Perfect summer day so far!
  13. And to think that Essex is supposed to be the driest... :o
  14. Not as parched as that here - last night's storm rain and this lunchtime's shower made sure of that!
  15. Mr Smith - if it helps your calculations, S. Norfolk had a storm pass through sometime just after 4 am today.
  16. As an interested layman, I tend to feel the MetO does a pretty good job, though I was annoyed when they closed the Norwich Office and started doing our forecasts from Birmingham. Luckily, the BBC Look East forecast comes from WeatherQuest, and, I think, seems more accurate at a local level than the national forecast.
  17. Seems to be getting cooler and fresher now - I think the cold front is passing over.
  18. I thought I heard a faint rumble just after midnight but must have been imagining it. Was awoken around 4 am by thunder - apparently I missed one rumble, then heard the next a minute or two later. A faint rumble or two followed; it seemed to be over, then, after another couple of minutes, a huge flash and almost immediate crash of very loud but short-lived thunder! I haven't been scared of storms to any great extent for years, but still my parents wake up when we get storms at night, as I always asked them to sit with me when I was a kid. Anyway, a few more flickers and bangs, some heavy rain, and that was that. Don and dusted by about 20 to 5.
  19. First East Anglian showers just passed us - steady rain, heavy for a while. Thought I heard the faintest rumble of thunder but not sure - the heaviest ppn. was to East and West of my location. Getting brighter now, still muggy, but more perhaps to come.
  20. I think the suggestion was that it was geographical in the sense that others who had something interesting to say were being frozen-out.
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