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Everything posted by laserguy

  1. All I get is 'mainly dry with sunny spells' storms.
  2. Things have been so dire around here and for so long, that the sun going behind a cloud for ten minutes would pass.
  3. Well I was on nights last night, and I've been awake since 0600 yesterday - that's nigh-on 30 hours without any kip, and I'm as wide awake as I can be. Will most likely hit the sack around 1400 and be up again about1800. Sleep is for pussies. t-x1, the choon didn't work...
  4. Tis all part of the cycle.... 'in the midst of life we are in death' or however the quote goes. See it as paving the way for all the new stuff in spring. Without autumn there'd be no spring, and vice versa. Ain't it great how nature caters for all tastes!
  5. I like 'dying and rotting' - the darkside,if you will. Or.... you could see it as 'fruition and maturity'. Whatever, spring is bloody awful. Glad winter is winning the vote so far - summer ain't as popular as it's made out to be, although in truth I couldn't care less if I was the only one.
  6. Yes it's bad news - staying awake half the night 'cos you're worrying that you won't be up on time,finally drifting off within earshot of the alarm! I have to be up at 0430 on 'days' and absolutely hate it. Nights are best for me 'cos I wake up naturally when my body/brain decides it's had enough kip.
  7. It's quality that counts, not quantity! Knowing that you have to be up early, going to bed early usually results in half the night spent staring at the ceiling. Sometimes after a night shift I'm so tired that I'm bouncing off the walls and practically hallucinating. The urge to sleep is absolutely irresistable so I have half an hour on the sofa before getting up again and doing what I have to do. But that half hour actually seems like many hours have passed - a quite weird feeling,but that half hour consists of some very heavy duty kip. I think it's what is known as a 'power nap'!
  8. Foxes - once a rare sight around here but are now commonplace. Lost another cat recently and I'm sure the packs of foxes took her. She was 19yrs old and had failing vision and hearing - easy prey. Same night she disappeared, a neighbour had his chicken coop raided by foxes digging under the fence. I can't be angry with them or plan any type of retribution - I'm an animal lover across the board. But now our cats have to stay in at night until the cubs are grown and hopefully move on.
  9. I don't have time to sleep. Four hours a day is good going, for me. Must be all I really need otherwise I'm sure I'd find a way. Horses for courses an' all that. I find too much sleep to be a very bad thing - on the occasions where I've had the opportunity for a lie-in, I've felt dreadful afterwards and unable to wake up properly. They say 'routine' is important, but just this week I've been doing day shifts and night shifts then sleeping when I felt the urge, instead of when I think I ought to.
  10. Me too, but some folk won't be satisfied until there isn't a cloud in the sky and it's 35c everyday for six weeks without a break.
  11. Absolutely... perfectly adequate for lounging around doing nothing much in particluar, too warm to sleep well and certainly too warm to be doing any kind of physical work or mildly strenuous pastime. There is no 'need' whatsoever for it to be any warmer than it is today - but it'll do what it wants anyway. Me, I can't wait for the wind and rain.
  12. No worse than those who rejoice in winter south-westerlies and double-digit temps. 19c is way too warm anyway, whatever the time of year.
  13. Hurrah for cold fronts. Was horrible here this morning but now it's possible to breathe and go about one's business in comfort.
  14. I can - they're clean out of their minds,suffering from some mental abberation which renders them immune to misery and discomfort.
  15. Actually that's not strictly true - it's also dependant on one's mental make-up. I often go up to 48hrs without meaningful kip,just catnaps here and there,which results in me feeling absolutely wretched,spaced-out,extremely bad tempered and fleetingly suicidal. Having a mind that flatly refuses to switch off,aggravated by light and heat is a very ominous combo. Should probably take medication but fear that would ultimately make things worse, if that's possible. Let's face it - I'm a hopeless case...
  16. It's an absolute hell of hideous proportions, I can assure you. I too was up at 5am 'cos of the sun,having gotten maybe 3 hours fitful sleep 'cos of the damn warmth. Tried to go back to bed but was up against even more of the crap that had deprived me of sleep in the first place. Been like that for weeks and there's plenty more to come. Still,it's finally going in the right direction now. Not on nights til next week. Boy,that's gonna be a hoot.
  17. Tomorrow will have a full 3 seconds less daylight than today. Hey, it's a start...
  18. Up at 0630. Back to bed when the sun got too much. Up again at 1130. Breakfast. Mulled around on here inbetween playing Xbox games in a darkened room. Pal phoned up having a spot of bother with his mo'bike. Had to begrudgingly go out in the awful glare of the day to fix that. Came back and had a nap. Going to shop soon,when the light at least starts to fade a little. Out all day tomorrow - forecast is bad so not looking forward to that at all. Wish it was mid November so badly.
  19. I bet you could count the days on one hand that really were dull and wet from start to finish, unlike sunny and warm which even at this stage has gotten very tiresome and monotonous. We need rain and wind right now,and lots and lots of it!
  20. Ok I'll behave. I'm unlikely to be provoked anyway seeing as my star is rising!
  21. Oi. We don't whinge when it's cold,dark and wet - that's exactly what summer types do when it's anything but 35C all day in summer. Miserable,whining bleeders. Besides, having seperate threads would mean we'd have nothing to bounce off each other except to reassure one another how good it is during their favourite season. "Oh isn't it wonderful today"? "Yes,isn't it". I see what you did there!
  22. Daft innit - the start of summer is the very day that the days start to shorten! Then three days later it's midsummers day!! And for you who are blathering on about the heat to come and all that rubbish, all I'm concerned about right now is the irrefutable and irreversible (until Dec) fact that the days are shrinking. One step at a time... Nick L - 24hr darkness would siut me to a T - it's what I constantly endeavour to create in my home environment anyway during these desperate days.
  23. And that's just scratching the surface. How anyone can like it is truly one of the great unsolved mysteries. I put it down to herd mentality, like following England in football. Nobody except the hardcore really likes it but get caught up in the hype and go along with it as it's the only thing to do at this time of year. There is one,and only one positive as Jax says - reduced heating bills. But the best things in life are never free, whatever they tell you.
  24. I remember it well - was outside putting a motorbike back together when I became aware of the incredible wall of blackness out west which soon became filled with CtoG lightning from north to south. Knew it was gonna be something special and me and the missus watched its approach with awe before being forced inside to watch agog from the window. Simply don't get anything like that anymore - I know, let's blame climate change or summat....
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