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Everything posted by Wales123098

  1. It is should see it:O never seen anything like it. Huge flakes coming down really quickly. Seen huge flakes before but never coming down at this rate.
  2. Traffic Cams should start turning interesting soon...
  3. Much of S.Wales under oranges now precip wise on NW Extra
  4. Seems to be getting heavier to me, flakes getting MUCH bigger.
  5. There we are even snow in Cardiff. Just hope this precip stays around if it moves through quickly or disappears it won't give us much if it hangs around all night looking at another few inches.
  6. Wont be long Only if it would stall now! chucking it down
  7. Really intensifying now. Valleys are gonna get a dump.
  8. Appears to be settling here as far as I can tell.
  9. Just started snowing heavy. Really suddenly too.
  10. Some oranges on the radar now towards Ponty but still dry here. #confused.com
  11. It's intensifying as it gets past the M4 latest frame shows some yellows now over S.Wales apparently over me too but its dry here atm.
  12. Met Office did say the forecast was very uncertain so timings, locations and amounts could change. The NAE changed several times through the day.
  13. Now NW Extra saying snow south of the M4 in North Cardiff. Still nothing falling from the sky here bar the 1 flake I saw
  14. According to Netweather extra the precip is turning to snow along the M4. Similar to earlier today when we had a mad heavy snow shower, rain a mile away from J33 down the Ely slip road and then soon as I got on the M4 and headed for J34 it turned in to really heavy snow. Mayb the M4 is the boundary? Saying that I recon most will get snow tonight if its heavy enough precip - evaporative cooling and all that.
  15. Very true that this could shape out to be similar to the NAE from this morning/afternoon with heavy precip over Wales giving us a nice few inches. Just following the radar now tho. I recon it could turn to snow for you too when the heavy stuff arrives. If it started as sleet then wouldn't take much to turn Just seen a large snow flake just the 1 while peeking out the window its a start !
  16. NW Extra just updated for 1:05 has a tiny pink (snow) square over my location
  17. Well if it sleet in Barry Im hopeful it'll be snow here. Constantly looking outside haha
  18. I'm not expert but NW extra says it's turning to sleet across the Vale. Im a bit worried that the front is starting to push too far east now. Bulk of it and the heavy stuff might miss us...
  19. Well I shall say when it hits here can't be far away now and tell you whether its rain/snow or wah ever. NW Extra shows it turning to sleet/snow away from immediate coastal areas Seems precip is intensifying and becoming larger as it crosses the Bristol Channel IMO.
  20. Certainly a nowcasting and lamp post watching event. Glad I didn't go to bed earlier.
  21. Very drastic measures for the school to take considering the Met Office said it was very uncertain.
  22. Is it me or is this precipitation a lot heavier and a lot further north than on the models or I'm I wrong?
  23. Excuse me? Uppity? Who the hell do you think you are. The actual fact is that you we're wrong last Friday completely wrong. Little boys? I'm a bright student studying Business & Economics at Uni! Weather is 1 of my many interests and I come on here to talk about it and the possibilities and yeah we get a bit excited, sorry about that. We don't get snow too often in Wales so when it is forecasted even if it's a small possibility we will talk about it. Why are you even on here? Just to cause problems no doubt. Your comments are frankly insulting and abusive to many of us on here. Yes I hope someone does go to the moderators and takes you off here, before you came along this was the friendliest forum on netweather. It's not like we're making stuff up, the NAE and other weather models suggest snow so we are talking about it! What is your problem mate.
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