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Everything posted by Kay

  1. Can someone please post a link to a good radar so i can see whats going on!!!!
  2. Is Ashford going to get any more form this front moving down tonight? we only got an inch (if that) from the other night(to far east) and we seem to have missed the snow last night and this morning(to far west!!!!!) Help anyone my kids are desperate to go out and play in some snow!!
  3. I'm off too, as my dear old dad says "What will be, will be!!!!(always got my goat growing up)
  4. Dont tell me I am now going to be to far west to see any thing from this lot!!!! ANYONE??
  5. just had heavy snow in Woodchurch as i picked kids up from school, but the clouds are breaking up now!! any more to come at all??
  6. and me in ashford, looks good. Any ideas how long it will last?
  7. Looks good Neilsouth, lets hope they dont disperse once they hit land!
  8. Does that mean we are finall going to get some good snow totals by the end of tonight, Kold?
  9. Is the wind direction going to change to a more Northerly in the next few hours?, Met Office seem to suggest that this may happen. I f so are we in South East Kent going to get more snow later on today?? Anyone?
  10. Met Office forcasting more snow for me in Ashford but, the clouds are parting and the sun is trying to come out!!!
  11. about 1" of snow over night, cold at 0.9oc Presure rising!
  12. any chance of ashford getting anymore coz I am due to go to work at the outlet from 5-9 tonight?? anyone!!
  13. im off now to do my panic buying!!!! AAHH xmas food shopping what a joy!!! :lol: Thank you TEITS you have put my mind at rest!!
  14. Getting concerned, now that the forcasts have changed slightly and I am going to be to far east and the snow is going to miss me in Ashford!! Same as in Feb09, My parents lives in East Sussex and got more snow than me, is the snow going to be blown over me on this strong wind. Anyone??
  15. welcome CR to the forum, from one who doesn't post very often but as you said is usually plastered to the living room window watching the lamp post outside for any sign of snow having read all the posts on the forums!! heres to 09/10 and all it brings(some cold Pls)!!!
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