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Posts posted by 0000

  1. Well I'm off to bed but it looks like those further north are in for a treat as the band which has more or less passed through my location has really started to fatten out again and really pep up. I wouldn't be surprised to see some people get 10cm out of this now.

    Hannegan you're going to get pasted mate, I reckon you're in for double what I got looking at the radar. Night night!

    and a merry xmas to u with that news mate...sleep well man

  2. The answer is yes inasmuch as pyroclastic flows are often the source of a lahar. Lahars are often pyroclastic material mixed with water. This mixture of ash and water can flow very rapidly but once brought to a halt can also set rapidly like concrete.

    A case in point being the 1980 eruption of Mount St.Helens which produced a pyroclastic flow which then melted the snow and ice on the upper slopes forming a massive lahar which was heated to 90C!

    Thanks for the reply Bob,fascinating stuff :lol:

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