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Everything posted by Crimson_Sprite

  1. yes ive got (and am currently watching ) NW radar I watched that line be all red and orange SW of Brum, but its gone to green and yellow now... now just green and seems ot be loosing the precip a bit.. They were going to miss me anyway, so not that bothered, but I hope they re-intensify for heads up in Yorkshire
  2. ahh, youve got that line Ive been watching on radar that was approaching birmingham and then fizzled as it passed bham north. It must have re-organised a bit!!
  3. yeah you're right. It seems that the Wales storms are deffo more easterly in their direction, while that line over Birmingham (which now looks pathetic on radar) was going north. So its as if there is a northly vector preceding that line of storms out in Wales. That line in Wales is looking Might Fine though!!!! Lucky sods!!!
  4. that cell near b-ham looks potent, albeit small. Too bad everything is travelling more in a northly direction Need stuff to develop near Oxford and travel north to me. Stupid Notts sheild
  5. Im following the radar too, it looks like the last frame is showing them deteriorate I reckon they are travelling a bit to far N for me. Like NNE instead of NE. There's loads of cumulus about and surprisingly lots of sunshine with how much cloud there is around. Fingers crossed now.
  6. anyone west of birmingham reproting on those small 'popcorn' looking cells?
  7. Happy to report some lovely BBCs out my window right now (big beautiful cottonballs) Its a bit breezy though and there seems to be a it TOO much cloud for any real surface heating here. It was crystal blue out at about 8am and not a cloud in sight! And then by 9.00, *BLAMO* loads of clouds all at once.
  8. I finally reached the end of the thread and see that the Durham storm has passed now lol! So my earlier comment is a bit late. Cool that you guys got a storm (albeit quick) out of that. Lets hope for more daytime heating and a few rogues to pop up on radar!
  9. Im only catching up on the thread as we speak, but had to comment on your post! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im dead (and probably overly) excited for you, as I have has no storms either last night. But much needed rain thankfully so am happy. I am going to live vicariously through your approaching storm with GREENISH hue. TAKE PHOTOS!!!!! +eagerly awaits+
  10. Looking at the radar this rain (much needed I might add) will clear through in the next 20 minutes or so, so HOPEFULLY the sun will break through for some very needed daytime heating!!!!! I am so desperate to have a storm!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH WEATHER GODS!!!!!!!!!!!!! The temp is only 15C out right now though so am really willing the cloud to eff off and the sun to supernova so we can get microwaved and get super-mega-meso-cyclone-land! :lol:
  11. WOW. Amazing skycam footage from Coast's post. Being a weather obsessed Yank I have been watching The Weather Channel since it aired back in the early 80s when I a wee lass & lived back in the US and have missed it terribly since I have been living here!! But I found a way to watch it live a few weeks ago on my computer +JOY!+ and have it on every day now while I work from home. I remember putting it on Wed morning and it was only like 4am over on the eastern state-side, and the forcasters were saying THEN that this day would be a really bad day. By 5am their time, tornadoes were already being kicked out, and they have a thing called the Tor-Con index which rates your chances of seeing a tornado in a certain area for the day. usually they are 6 or 7 at the HIGHEST, but on Wed it was the highest I ever saw it at a whopping 9 for upper Alabama and Mississippi!!! The radar they were showing for the storms in the morning was already going PURPLE, yes PURPLE. Usually it goes, red, maroon, then white if its really bad, then light purple!! These morning storms produced lots of tornadoes by time it hit about 10am there, and at that time the Weather Channel goes off for the day as I do my postal run. I remeber thinking while walking to the post office that the afternoon there was going to be mega-bad and the forcasters did too, warning everyone that these morning storms were not going to clear the air, and that it was going to be lethal that afternoon. It wasnt till Thursday morning that my daily "Weather-Channel-on-the-computer-routine" came on and I was gob-smacked at all the footage and deathtoll. Truly horrible. The supercell had travelled through 5 states over 300 miles!!! The south and east will have respite for the next week, mercifully, as much calmer weather is due to stay around for awhile.
  12. +YAAAAWN+ *blows dust off keyboard* I miss being on the thread! But there is no point in me writing when there is no weather out to write about! I would just whinge and moan more than usual hahaha!! But alas, a Low cometh forth. i have given up on the Snow dream AAAGES ago, and look forward to spring now. This Atlantic Low coming in will give some windy weather which I love. If I cant get any snow, then let it storm!!!! I hope this year we get more than 2 storms and a freak rumble here and there... Its just gone really overcast and gloomy out in the past 1/2 hour here. Wind hasnt picked up yet, but I hope it does soon. Ive made a huge fort in my front room while my other half is working away.
  13. Light snow started at 7.30am in Notts and stopped about 8.46. Left a light dusting on the ground too! No Way!! :smiliz34:
  14. Not all of us Brits!! :lol: Some of us actually has a very poor snow turnout last year... I reckon I had more snow in 08/09 than last year. I measured a total of about 3.5inch of accumalitive snow for the whole winter here in Notts. The biggest fall dumping a measely 1.75inch (DOHHHH!!!) I cried and repeatedly slammed my head into the computer keyboard while watching on radar how places only 20 miles north of me were getting clobbered. Saying that, we had lots of days where snow fell from the sky, but it just didnt stick, or left a pathetic dandruff on the pavement... I am OWED some snow this year. I actually have been DREAMING about snow for the past 3 weeks (even while I was in Malta last week!) In my dreams, we get lots of snow this winter, so here's hoping and doing mega-power telekentic concentration to the clouds and temps to BRING. US. SNOW. !!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Im so jealous of everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But happy for you guys too! All the action is west of me by about 20miles GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR..... Nice dark clouds to my west though, at least I can drool out my window +lick+lick
  16. Im from new jersey and now live in Nottingham- truly the land of no weather- I know I shouldnt, but I feel so jeolous of my fellow NJ-ians right now. i used to get soooooooo excited when we were under hurricane watches!!!! I loved every hurricane Ive been through, now I just get occasional drizzle, and mediocre warmth in the summer. Severe weather (storms, heat, snow and wind) are the only thing I miss from home
  17. HAHAHAHA!!! A most definate YES! we were so gyped on snow last year that it was utterly SINFUL- please dont get me started on that one hahaha!!!
  18. ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I stayed up until 1.30am last night waiting for the sky to clear, but it didnt and I saw nothing. I knew tonight would be a wash out for me... so, what is it now for me- like the 14th year in a row I have missed the Perseids due to clouds? Looks like a new line of sharp showers is due north of me near Sheffield, I doubt they will stay together though..
  19. ----as soon as I go upstairs to my skylight, it starts to rain really hard, and then all the thunder stopped! I hate it when that happens!!!!!!! Walking back- erm, I mean running back, from the post office, the thunder was quite immense, and booming, and travelling round surrounding you.. The sky was evil looking! Radar is impressive, but just a washout now. No thunder or lightning. Soon as I get back too! DOH!!!
  20. OMG!!!!!!!!! MASSIVE cell just to my north, I RAN all the way home from the post office absolutely pooping bricks!!! BIG thunder, and very intimidating!!! Im gonna run upstairs and see if I can get photos!!!!!!!!!!!! wish me luck!!!!!!!!!!
  21. peeing it down now. Only 2 thunders and 2 flashes so far. The one and only CG I saw was when my noggin was out the window, which ironically was the highlite of the cell hahaha!! I wouldnt call this a storm, but good to hear thunder for the 1st time is a month. I only had 1 storm so far this year too... So far Im logging this in as a "day of thunder" as oppossed to a storm. Maybe something will hit me though in a few hours! Potential is the best in months! Fingers crossed for everyone to get at least some thunder today
  22. CG lightning in Notts now!!!! (note to self- do NOT stick head out of 3rd story skylight when there is lightning-- its not good for the heart)
  23. Guess what! You're not the only one on here that was a brontophobe when they were a child- I was too!!!!!!!!!! I grew up in New Jersey and in the late 70s we had horrendous TERRIBLE, most frightning storms, and I would get hysterical. I would have to hide in the bathroom with my fingers in my ears (as it was mainly the thunder not the lightning) and shut my eyes if it was dark due to power cut, because the lightning was so intense. The summer of 77 was the WORST, I was 3 and I remember that summer so vividly. We also had hurricane David that year. We would get severe storms about every 2 days and sometimes 2 or 3 a night. I HATED going to bed, because I KNEW Id wake up to storms, and just go into a fit. This phobia created a morbid fascination with storms for me. Since as long as I can remember I have always dreamed of tornadoes and violent storms (to this day!) and my fear became an exhilarating love for storms now. I must say though, now- when I get my once a year storm here in Nottingham, I am totally exhilarated and excited but still a bit scared if it looks like its gonna be mean. I ALWAYS have ear plugs in (never got over that one :lol:) and my heart races a million miles an hour as I have my face and camera smashed against the window hahahaha!! Storms here arent as bad as they were back in New Jersey, so I never get too scared, but back at home, I dare say I would be one huge contrasting emotion!! I would be sooooo excited and like YEAH!!! and then as the storm got intense I would be pretty scared too all at the same time!! I am so glad I love them now though. I miss them! Its been so dry here this summer :lol:
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