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Everything posted by jennyjane

  1. Hello Snowman, I know it might change, but what do you see for Yarmouth/Lowestoft and Reedham areas in the next few days, only Southernman will be working outside in it till late at night and we like to keep uptodate with what to prepare for for him when going out on shift.
  2. Just to show how temperatues an weather can be decieving, Southernman and I went for a walk round Great Yarmouh town centre this lunchtime, we were remarking how pleasant the weather was, as the winter sun was shining and there was little breeze, we weren't cold at all. However at around 1.30pm we were startled to notice a car in the backroads which obviously had not been been driven today and which still had thick fern formation ice on the windcreen. We had thought it too warm for this, and presumed all the ice would have melted in todays weather.
  3. Just come back from near Peterborough, while the snow has cleared from here, over there the fields are still white and the back streets icy, so icy in fact that my stepfather had a nasty fall on the icy pavement this morning and hurt his shoulder.Although it was clearing more this morning than what was left on the ground when we got there yesterday. edit - he also said that in the past couple of days he knew of a couple of other people locally to him who had fallen on the ice and hurt themselves.
  4. freezing cold and very icy here. first thing this morning looked all white everywhere.
  5. We think although not 100 per cent sure we had a little snow in the last few minutes, just looked out of window and cars are very white but they werent before, although may just be ice forming.
  6. hi, thanks, coz he didn't catch which area they were talking about.
  7. clear here, boyfriend reports drizzle at Reedham, he has been listening to radio Norfolk and apparently that says there is snow on the Norfolk/Suffolk border somewhere.
  8. Unfortunatley the reality is somewhat different from the beautiful snowdrifts and falling snow we dream of when we scream for more snow! I have to say that the past few posts have turned from isnt it beautiful, what a lot we have, to nasty accidents, people dead, chaos. That is not what we wanted.
  9. I fear that there will be story after story of similar problems, hopefully not with fatalities though, but with sliding accidents. I remember seeing a bus sliding into railings in the snow, nobody was injured as far as I know, but the bus got wedged sideways and this stopped the traffic, back in Rayleigh Essex about ten years ago.
  10. Weather report from boyfriend in Reedham, raining there, still Icy in a place called Norton Subcourse.
  11. Thank you, if there is no obvious thaw tomorrow morning then, I will leave it since some of those are the main shopping streets you mention, and it would be too silly to get injured just because of going shopping, when I don't really have to go! I bet the casualty departments have been very busy because of the ice the past couple of days!
  12. Oh dear, hope you are ok, that's what I worry about.Last year I knew people who fell on the ie, one had cut her head open, one damaged her knee, and the other one hurt her back very badly and could not go to work. I only fell once on ice, it was years ago and I sprained my ankle, it was bruised (it ended up behind me and i sat down on it hard)
  13. Hello Thank you all for your replies, I will be wearing flat boots, and thank you for the scooter suggestion (I have a disability but can usually walk in normal conditions, with some help on uneven ground, however in icy conditions the balance becomes virtually impossible even on the flat).
  14. Can anyone help me? I want to go to Norwich tommmorow but I can't balance very well on the icy pavements here. If someone took me to the bus station here, would I be ok once I got to Norwich, or are the pavements very icy there as well? (I'm thinking they may be clear with the number of people walking on them in the town centre)
  15. Boyfriend saw one coming from Reedham direction last night as he was going there, at about 5.30pm
  16. Boyfriend called back - now complete whiteout blizzard conditions in Reedham, still clear here.
  17. Interesting phone call with boyfriend just now, he is out on the broads at Reedham so has a good view in all directions of the open sky. Over here, he doesnt see any reflection so knows it is clear here (but very icy and cold, i just put the fire up) streets have lying snow and black ice. At Reedham he says there are some long icicles and it is clear, he can see the stars, but some cloud as well. However, over towards Norwich (not sure which direction that would be from Norwich, Loddon direction maybe?) he can see the streetlights and house lights reflected in the clouds and so it is cloudy and possibly rainy/snowy over there. edit, interestingly enough, the Norwich bit was verified by the previous poster while i was still typing.
  18. very brief spells of fluffy hail falling since early this morning here - by brief, I mean a few seconds at a time - lol, enough to wipe off windscreen of car once every so often.
  19. Very light white bobbly stuff falling here and making a covering, sort of like small fluffly hail balls.
  20. Hello I'm on the EA side, and thanks to evryone for their input but I'n rather confused between the charts, what I understand of them myself, what some of you are saying here, and what the tv weather forecasters are saying. JJ
  21. what did he just say? They're going to freeze their WHAT off??????????
  22. I walked home from work tonight with no scarf or gloves there was no breeze and I was disappointed how warm it was, not like the previous couple days when I have been frozen walking home.
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