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Everything posted by Azazel

  1. Wasps are horrible little idiots. They are aggressive and pointless and whoever said ‘just stay still and it won’t bother you’ is a liar. The only time I’ve ever been stung was when I tried this. I stayed completely still and it stung me on the neck. I swatted it to the ground and stamped on it until it resembled nothing but a small beige stain on the concrete and I felt good about it. Spiders on the other hand I also can’t stand (am terrified of) - especially the big house spiders - but I try my hardest not to kill or hurt them. They’re just hanging out but they’re also absolutely awful to look at. I think it’s the fact they sneak up on you and take you by surprise. Twice I’ve had a massive house spider just chilling on my shoulder - like why? What in its evolutionary past has compelled it to think crawling up a human is a good idea? I feel like if they could talk they would be much more tolerable. If instead of hiding in my duvet they could be like ‘Hey Azazel! Just wanna let you know I’m chilling in your bed and I mean you no harm, it’s totally cool’ I would be okay with it. and back to the weather. Pretty garbage here. Blowing a hoolie with some drizzle thrown in (I struggle to remember a weekend when this wasn’t happening).
  2. Decided to venture out for the first time since having a baby and went to the cinema to see Oppenheimer on Saturday. No surprises I pick up a minging cold
  3. In typical "me" fashion, I cant even enjoy this little warmer spell because I've got an absolutely stonking cold. Feel like death warmed up.
  4. Community shield champions! You’ll never sing that Other than the fact the weather has been objectively poor, I guess I view this summer with a bit of melancholy. Obviously my father passed away in April and in the summer I would drive over to see my parents every weekend and sit out in the garden for hours. Wouldn’t have been able to do that this year - so I am grateful we had such a lovely summer last year so I was able to do that with him.
  5. When I think back to the disaster that was 2012 - I remember there was that day in the summer where those massive supercells hit the midlands and north east with several tornadoes and massive hail. It's genuinely been the most uninteresting summer ever from that POV - I know we had those MCS early on, but since then? All i've seen in the chat thread has been the odd sad looking shower with maybe a rumble or two.
  6. I would prefer a front-loaded winter with snow/cold in the lead up to Xmas, but I know that's super uncommon. I think in 2012 we had snow in December but milder air moved in just in time for Christmas - I could be misremembering though.
  7. Weds now down to 23. By the time I get there it’ll be 13 and wet at this rate.
  8. It’s wild, but also somewhat expected with the worst weather year in living memory, that a couple days ago, it was showing 26-27 for my location on Wednesday and Thursday and now it’s just down to an average 24. Really can’t wait to see the back of 2023. It’s been an awful year for me really and not just because of the awful weather.
  9. Perfectly valid hobbies/leisure time
  10. Fairly niche but I estimate crane repairs lol. I used to estimate lift repairs. I make music on the side and do videography/editing work for people too which I enjoy greatly. Some people also don’t have hobbies so I obviously respect that may encourage them to spend more time working.
  11. I mean I get some people genuinely love work and it gives them purpose so I don’t have an issue with that - but I’m not working a minute more for my corporate overlords who couldn’t care less about me. I earn relatively well for my area and could earn better if I put the effort in, but I would rather put that effort into living life
  12. Let’s just all agree it’s been a pretty crap year for both cold snow and heat
  13. It’s the same mentality as those people who brag about working a 90 hour week. Im always like that’s kinda sad man - when do you have free time? People will probably think I’m lazy or a bum or something but I’ve never worked a minute of overtime in my life. I spend every waking moment of my life away from work not thinking about it and doing my creative hobbies and spending time with my family and friends.
  14. Definitely agree with you that mid twenties and sunshine would be a beautiful summers day - I would be fully satisfied with that
  15. Not trying to argue with you but can you point out some examples of where people have said it SHOULD be a temperature that you consider extreme at the height of summer? Because I suspect you’re reading posts from people who WANT or HOPE for certain temps but don’t necessarily expect them and maybe you’re conflating the two.
  16. They are and they repeatedly use a strawman when they say things like ‘why are you expecting it to be 40 degrees every day) when not a single person has said anything like it. It’s proper weird but I sense they just enjoy wumming. I would say I’ll return the favour in winter but I genuinely don’t have that level of pettiness in me
  17. Going by recent LRFs this is probably great news for snow and cold lovers.
  18. Heating is going on. It’s freezing out there
  19. Yeah the saying ‘positively British’ is going to be my new saying moving forwards.
  20. This is the worst summers day I’ve seen since last weekend.
  21. Apparently we were in for a nice July lol. I’m pretty confident in saying now summer is basically done - I really do hope we get a warm September and October. Ill hold off on my summer ranking for now just incase we manage to get a crack of thunder or something at some point but would be surprised if it manages to climb above a 1/10
  22. Entering week 7 on Monday of the dirge. Looks like we’ll scrape a couple of above average days before returning to dirge. 3 nice days out of 49 during peak summer ain’t bad going. Maybe we can eke out one more at some point in September.
  23. I swear every time I’ve gone to sit outside in the evening this week (wrapped up of course) - it’s started raining. Genuinely the most horrible spell of summer weather I can ever recall.
  24. We have. It’s been approaching six weeks (minus that random hot Friday at the start of July)
  25. Warm and sunny all the way through til next October please but seriously that might have been the most miserable and utterly pointless summer month I’ve ever experienced. minus the one day, nothing of note happened. Absolutely zero storms and zero heat.
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