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Everything posted by Azazel

  1. 8 months if this year has been anything to go by!
  2. I can definitely see something going bang in a big way later - my prediction would be somewhere around Sheffield
  3. Nobody said it wasn’t an issue though. What people take umbrage with is being guilt tripped for enjoying the weather and told things like ‘if you want heat completely up sticks and move to a different country’ It’s really rude to be honest, selfish and obnoxious. I do sympathise with people struggling in the heat (believe it or not) but I try to put myself in the reverse position. If we had a unicorn warm season (it was hot from like April until October) and then winter arrived and it was mild but then there was a week of absolutely frigid temps and snow towards the end - would I begrudge those enjoying the cold? Absolutely not. Would I begrudge them if we had a terrible summer and then a really cold winter? No, absolutely not. I HATE the cold and I struggle with it, but I understand other people love it and I’m happy for them when it actually happens, even if I’m having a bad time. We have had a pathetic summer and I’m not going to be made to feel guilty for enjoying this warm spell right at the end. I would never tell someone to ‘move country’ because they want cold weather. It’s super weird to me.
  4. Yeah we had a larger but similar one in the office a couple years ago It just made everything soaking wet lol
  5. I am absolutely loving this spell so obviously that gets my vote. I wish it could carry on until like November but alas, it’s not to be. Hopefully we actually get some seasonal weather this autumn and winter and then spring can actually happen next year and start in late Feb
  6. No because if it had corrected east this time, it would’ve brought the central south into play - because that absolutely cannot happen, it corrected west instead.
  7. Unsurprising. Something has definitely changed meteorologically to make this area a complete dead-zone for storms during summer. We still usually get the odd thing outside of the summer months but that’s normally during a showery regime
  8. Seems to be the way post 2019. Heat just gets shunted away in a burst of drizzle.
  9. Nope, he’s out there lurking. I’ve seen him from the window. Its weird because every September for the past 3 years I’ve seen a hornet in our garden. A few years ago we put some timber down and were one day set upon by the horror known as the wood wasp. I had never seen one before but they are seriously massive - and I mistook the ovipositor for a stinger (it’s like the size of a sword) - my missus Dad (who’s unfazed by absolutely anything) was pushing a wheelbarrow of concrete when one flew into him and he threw the wheelbarrow and legged it out the garden. He had never seen one either. I took this picture (from behind bulletproof glass) Hornets are terrifying but they seem way more chill than wasps that get all up in your face.
  10. I think it was a pretty standard European hornet - didn’t hang around long enough to get a look at it but no mistaking that orange and brown colouring - and the size of the thing of course!
  11. Warm just been chilling in the garden when I was visited by a rather large hornet. I ran of course and it chased me and flew into my leg. Probably not going outside again now tbf
  12. Sitting outside in the garden in a t shirt and shorts at the perfect temperature. Missus and the baby sleeping in the spare room because it’s cooler bed to myself bliss.
  13. Same here. 2019 and the Bournemouth supercell come to mind. It was like war of the worlds
  14. Gonna have a bbq on Sunday and wave goodbye to summer with tears in my eyes
  15. Yeah Markyo is a good egg. I get SAD obviously, but also my joints ache when its cold and damp and having CFS, that can really make it a bummer in the winter!
  16. Metcheck.com - Storm Forecast Discussions - Weekly Storm Forecast - From 7 September 2023 - Expert Meteorologists Analyse Storm and Convective Forecasts For Countries Around The World. WWW.METCHECK.COM Metcheck.com - Weekly Storm Forecast - From 7 September 2023 - Expert meteorologists take a weekly look at thunderstorm potential around the world with maps and in depth view of where will... According to Metcheck - every single location in the country has a good chance of storms over the next 3-4 days EXCEPT for the central south which has nothing. Again. What has changed meteorologically in recent years to make the central south one of the worst places outside of the north pole for thunderstorms? Might be an interesting case study for someone.
  17. In all seriousness, the cold vs hot debate which runs all year long is hilariously british and so silly when you think about it. Wasted energy. I do get the feeling some members are like this though.
  18. I agree with this in principal but I hope you keep that same energy during winter when those of us who hate the cold, dark and damp are struggling. I'll make sure to check:) If you could also pop into the heat haters thread and tell the guys in there they should show a bit more understanding and compassion towards those enjoying the heat, that would be great.
  19. Interesting. Really hope we get to see something over the coming days, but I doubt it tbh - looks like a northern event if anything.
  20. Slept fine last night - looking forward to another day of high temps and another warm evening for sitting outside:)
  21. What an absolutely perfect evening. i would genuinely take this all year if I could. Sat outside in a thin t shirt and shorts and my body feels the perfect temperature. Wild that it’s September though - mentally I’ve actually switched back into summer mode lol. I’m so confused.
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