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If Wishes made Weather

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Everything posted by If Wishes made Weather

  1. We are booked out of Stansted tomorrow at around 6 am. Wondering if we will just get out before the worst hits, or if we are in for a mega wait in the airport (with sprog). Could Torquemada have though up anything worse?
  2. My view of the radar ATM is that the MCS is heading North East up through the Pas de Calais
  3. Been looking at this, it looks ATM that, at least the lightning, is mostly now going off the NE and more along the channel. Possibly Kent getting the northerly edge?
  4. I'm a bit suprised the MetO havent put a bit more of a warning up for some of the counties in the S and SE - unless the radar is giving a false impression and the channel knocks the whole lot flat.
  5. Well, looking at the 50deg c contour and the low pressure system, this lloks good for Stortford, but history tells us that the herts/Essex boarder is somehow a place without serious weather, so I'll just have to wait and see ...
  6. Ian F has just noted in the SW thread that the signal for snow to the North of London is strengthened on the latest models.
  7. Stansted now has DP of -1c with air temp up a tad at 1c. The North Sea blob thing on the radar is interesting. It seems to be quite a static area of shower formation. Is this to do with water temp/salinity/depth in the area (sort of off the N German coast as well as atmospheric conditions?
  8. Stansted currently reporting 0c dew point, 1c 2m temp and 22km/h NE wind giving -4c windchill Amend that - STN just registering 0c air temp.
  9. Like the look of the idea of this stuff coming in of the N Sea. Hopefully its got enough push to get inland
  10. My comments largely echo those noted here. Its been a winter with longer cooler periods, but without the more winter like events of hard frost or 20+cm snowfall which we have had here over the past few winters. I suppose then, for the non-specialist observer, it would be marked simply as fairly non-eventful in this area, but for those (as Chino et al note) who are interested in the charts it was a winter where possibly greater potential was there, and almost came to fruition a couple of times.
  11. Snowing quite hard in Stortford, but still struggling to settle on anything but cars, roofs etc.
  12. Stansted is reporting temp of 3c and DP 3c ATM. Clearly the forecast looks better for later, but any snow will be falling onto wet ground so I sort of have doubts about anything sticking. I have experienced on the continent temperatures falling fast enough for the wet ground to freeze in a rain to snow event and the lot to set as concrete with a layer of powder above it. I don't think that we will have that sort of thermal gradient today though.
  13. Amazing coverage on the various live Blizzard sites from the various cable stations in MA and RI. Just starting, but already they have more snow than we have seen all winter
  14. Interested to see how Greater Anglia manage tomorrow. Power lines damages ATM on the Cambridge line.
  15. Odd though with Met warnings. I sort of think that they give them out a bit lightly sometimes, but not enough at others. I think though that winter tires are a simple answer (we have to have them on over the water where roads are not salted as much as here, but 3 or 5 mm grit is put down and then swept up once the snow is away, washed and re-used).
  16. Not doing quite as well as you in Elsenham kris, but 7cm here or so. It does look though like some of the heaviest stuff may be on the way
  17. Looking at the radar, things are going to go for a bit yet, adn there are still some heavier bits around including in the Thames estuary. Hard to see the direction of travel on them though. There is some real stuff coming into the N Sea from the Dutch coast. Will it hit EA - of course not.
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