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Everything posted by janetmh71

  1. not a thing last night but not unexpected. Will have to wait and see if anything happens today. Temp has gone up from -4.3c to -3c in the past half hour. Janet x
  2. Still nothing here but looks hopeful for tomorrow morning . . . fingers crossed. Enjoy your snow everyone and stay safe . . sleep time for me. Janet x
  3. Nothin here and nothing nearby on the radar at the moment . . . Hope everyone else is enjoying the white stuff Janet x
  4. Sorry I am going to ask this question too but what do people think are the chances of snow in North West Norfolk?? Janet x
  5. Maybe that is true but radar etc suggests that unlike a lot of you this area may not get much Janet x
  6. Looks like North cambs and west norfolk are going to miss out on a lot of the snow from this system. Oh well . . not for us this time it seems Janet
  7. Temperature slowly rising currently -0.4c from a low of -4.3c last night. Snow just stopped after being snowing lightly for about 2 hours . . have about 2cm on the ground. Janet
  8. Snowing very lightly here but its rather wet. Temp -1.8c but not a bit of ice on the cars. Janet
  9. My area looks like it will get some snow but from my basic reading it looks like not very much . . am i reading right?? Tomorrow i mean obviously Wednesday is another day. Janet
  10. Not had to yet Chris but looks likely I may have to in the next week so will certainly come back and let you know x Janet I agree it awful. Hence why this was started I guess. Lots of enjoyment from snow and ice but also lots of dangers for everyone no matter what age they are or their circumstances. Janet
  11. Since having to life a rather heavy but even more precious bundle my days of heels are well and truly over. Have some very strong supportive trainers which I use on a day to day basis. Have also invested in some spikes just incase everywhere turns into an icerink. Cant be too careful. All of us will survive what ever comes our way in our own ways. Janet
  12. Nothing happening here yet and I am a little closer to the wash than you are. Good luck though am sort of hoping that most of the snow will go over us this time so will blow what I see in your direction if you like?? Janet
  13. I agree with what you are saying. Snow is great and many people enjoy it, luckily it doesnt happen every day so those who enjoy it should make the best of it. I think this post is more about enjoying the cold weather but remembering the dangers that may lurk. If you enjoy the weather and are out and about enjoy yourself but safely. If you have a neighbour who you think may struggle in the conditions then knock on the door if you are heading towards the shop and ask if there is anything that they need. There are people who worry about this type of weather but I dont think any of those people would want to stop others from enjoying it . . . just try not to break too many windows . . they sort of stop the cold wind getting into the house!! Janet
  14. Yes it can be plum but I am just one of thousands of parents with disabled children, parents or relatives who still need to be taken places. Parents may get away with saying conditions are too bad to take their children to school for a few days but once the roads are clear everyone is expected back. Pavements and car parks are not seen as a priority and in the last bout of snow we had everywhere sold out of salt. Believe it or not where I live roads with schools on them are not seen as a priority for gritting either. Oh well the snow cant last forever (I hope) Janet
  15. I love the look of snow as much as the next person but since having my youngest child who is in a wheelchair (now 6) going out in the snow has taken on a completely new and more dangerous complexion. I have always had a pretty bad sense of balance and could fall over my own shadow at a moments notice. Getting her in and out of the car to get to school can be very challenging to say the least. Lifting on a slippery surface is not a pleasant experience and do tend to carry my own supply of salt so I can clear a small area for a firm grip on the ground. Pushing a wheelchair on frozen slush can at times be near impossible so am usually very pleased when schools do close when there is a few cm of snow. Yes I may sound like a right wimp but as a carer I have to think about my safety as me breaking something will result in my child not being cared for in the way she needs. I did in the past post when someone was suggesting that people should not go out when they know it is going to snow and in some ways I do agree with what they say. Unfortunately if every person with an who is frail or with a disability stayed in every time there was a weather warning then they would not get out much during the winter. Not everyone has a support network who can run around for someone who cannot get out. Im not looking forward to the next lot of snow that is being forecast. having had to remove my child from the school she was in as her needs are not being met the journey to school is even further but again this is another issue I will just have to deal with. I am not looking for sympathy as I am a perfectly able bodies person but would like people to think about those who are less able bodied. who still have doctors and hospital appointments and have a life the same as the rest of us. Sorry its long winded Janet
  16. Temp is currently 1c here what is falling is a mixture of snow. sleet and occasional rain. Would be nice if it made it mind up!! Janet
  17. A lot of the snow we had on new years eve night had melted by midday today but temp is starting to drop now and it has been snowing lightly on and off for almost an hour. Some flakes being HUGE. Janet
  18. Maybe stupidity was a harsh word to use. The point I was trying to make is that people cannot always walk. People with disabilities do work the same as others and many wheelchair users will drive a car and work and may not be able to walk at all. People being frail does not mean that they have to be old. Not everyone is totally healthy, those with lung problems would experience trouble breathing in cold conditions but would still have to work. I am sorry you took offence but there is a whole big world of reasons why people have to be out and those reasons are not always just to go for a drive. Janet
  19. Yes I understand my post was not aimed at everyone . . just those stupid enough that people cant be trapped . . that people can always get out and walk. Just because someone can drive does not mean that they can necessarily walk. That is why where are so many adapted vehicles on the road. If a better forecast had been given then maybe people may have been able to get home before things started getting bad. Janet
  20. Its very easy for those sat in their nice warm sitting room in front of their pc who really dont have to go anywhere far in the near future to want more snow or not feel for those who are stuck in traffic at the moment. Truth is there are people who have to travel for work, to make sure that people are safe, to make sure that people have food over the next few weeks etc etc. There are people who would love to spend christmas with loved ones who may be living far away and there are the poor people who have been stuck in traffic for hours on end. Yes sure getting out and walking may seem like a good idea, some of these people MAY live too far to walk or for reasons like frailty or a disability cannot get out and simply walk. What would happen in the morning (should all these people be able to walk) got out of their cars, leaving them where they are and walked home?? I know some people are really excited about all this snow and I for one was one of them but now this is getting to be a more serious issue. Sorry if this offends anyone Janet
  21. My lil sis is due to travel from Luton to Wisbech on Christmas eve . . has anyone any idea on how much more of this we are going to get as she is getting worried now.
  22. Just started raining here . . is this the start of the end?? Janet
  23. Dont know if anyone else has had this but the snow that fell less than an hour ago here is starting to melt already. Temp rose to -0.3c before it started snowing and slowly rose the whole time it was snowing. Stopped snowing about 20-25 mins ago and temp now up to 0.7c with snow that has landed on surfaces off the ground melting now. Janet
  24. All the snow has passed over here but the temp is still rising . . Broken cloud above . . temp 0.7c
  25. Been a quiet day here with temp a high of -1.3c currently -4.3c with a dew point of -5.6 . . . clouds starting to appear not sure if its just high thin clouds as day light is fading but cannot see anything on the radar to suggest anything likely to fall any time soon. Janet
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