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Everything posted by janetmh71

  1. Just dull and grey here, thunder cannot be heard in the distance anymore and have not had any rain so far. Janet
  2. Thunder in downham market about 5 miles from me. HUGE boom as kids were coming out of school setting car alarms off and kids screaming. Can still hear it in the distance although im now 5 miles from it Janet
  3. dont understand why no lightening showing on isle of wight lightening detector around the wash . . i can hear thunder every 30 seconds right now
  4. 3 HUGE booms, lost electricity for about 30 seconds, still around but moved away slightly . . saying that have just seen lightening, no another HUGE boom Strangely what is showing on the radar is not big just a line that we are at the top of
  5. All quiet again, very distant thunder no rain or hail and brightened slightly
  6. looking at radar we have one either side of us can definately hear two sets of thunder one to the north and one to the south . . doubt if either will go right over us though
  7. Milky clouds with lumps here feels even warmer than before it clouded over could seriously do with a storm to make the air breathable again
  8. Complete cloud cover here right now hopefully it will disappear as quick as it appeared Will only suffer heat if there is something worth suffering for in the end . . I want some storms!!
  9. For once it looks like I might be in the right place. Temp here already at 23.2c up from 21.9 half hour ago. Not liking the heat much but a good storm could sure make up for that Janet Hmm Netweather forecast now showing 0% chance of a storm . . i do hope that will change!!
  10. Some more thunder here and another shower although not much showing on the radar
  11. Nice . . unfortunately as I am north of you that will completely miss me . . but shall wait and see if any more blow my way
  12. Some more thunder ratting around right now, heavy shower has passed . . think this will be the last of it for a while anyway
  13. Have had thunder twice already today about an hour ago there were 2 rumbles in the distance. Right now we have very heavy rain that had just one loud crack of thunder before it started. Quite nice although brief but unexpected Janet
  14. 2 distant rumbles to the east of me sounds like it could be over or around downham market
  15. Im only 5 miles from wisbech so hope you are right ;-)
  16. Not officially weather related but I know some of you are in Peterborough and was wondering if anyone knew if the roads from the A1 through peterborough was like as my sister will be driving it later today to come up here for Christmas. Chilly but nice here, not had any showers and only a light frost on the cars this morning. Temp 1.3c with a very light wind.
  17. Told you we did not have snow when you did . . that is where I live
  18. Heavy rain in the past 10 minutes. A few loud rumbles of thunder, still see lightening in the distance but rumbles are getting further away Janet
  19. OMG its raining . . . ok not a big deal but seems like forever since I last saw rain Hoping for some thunder later but not holding my breath Janet x
  20. Around 5 rumbles here just over an hour ago. Two quite close. Have had heavy showers on and off all day. Think its only stopped raining fully once today and that was only for 5 minutes. Janet
  21. Been raining here now for about an hour, not very heavy. No thunder and temperature has now dropped to 16.3c. Everything so far has been either 10 miles to the east or 10 miles to the west. Cant see much happening here now. Janet
  22. Thunder in the distance here for the past half hour. No lightening seen and thunder would be missed if you were not listening for it. Hopefully some more later? Temp currently 20C down from 23c about an hour ago. Not as humid as it was feeling either. Janet
  23. I would bet it wont come anywhere near me. Janet
  24. Two quick sharp showers in the past 10 minutes. Temp down to 19.9c with wind at 2mph Shame there is nothing else to report. Janet
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