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Everything posted by janetmh71

  1. Not a clue Paul, have not seen him all evening and I have been around since around 8 Maybe he is having a chilled out night and a few beers Janet x
  2. Think driving lessons in the snow should be a part of learning to drive. I think that the reason for all the drama around snow is due to the fear of driving in it. I dont like driving in the snow myself much but while I was having driving lessons there was no snow to drive in. Thats my thoughts anyway others may not agree. We are going to get told off for going off topic soon but with not much going on it will turn into a ghost town unless the next lot of snow comes. The ppn starting to cross the channel seems to heading further north than me and only little showers coming towards ea Janet x
  3. Maybe it does . . looking at the radar you stand a much better chance of getting snow in the next few hours than I do. Which will please my little sister no end as she isnt a million miles from you (luton) and has had enough of the snow now! Janet
  4. very much a matter of wait and see . . . and that is exactly what we will do
  5. A couple of glasses of red wine and I wont be getting back out of bed for at least a week!! lol Yes I know they can drop as quick as they rise but mine have been rising all day . . was colder at 2pm than it is now! Janet x
  6. Goodnight and fingers crossed we will see something happen overnight Janet x Hopefully they are wrong but with temps rising things dont look great
  7. 1.8c now . . if it carried on like this all night it will be 10c by morning!! Yes i know im a dramaqueen just just prefer if temps were -1.8c when we have ppn supposed to be heading this way overnight! Janet
  8. Can be hard enough keeping a car in a straight line so have my total respect driving a HGV Janet x
  9. Temp here is still rising!! . . . 1.6c now!! . . think im gonna put the freezer outside and leave the doors open soon lol
  10. Full cloud cover here now but temp is still 1.5c . . . feels rather cold in the wind though even though it isnt that strong Janet x
  11. No explanation im afraid but feel free to blow it this way!! Janet
  12. Its not being new that made you do that its all that head banging!! Im in outwell so right on the edge of PE14 Janet x
  13. Swearing was not necessary. I believe comment was more likely made out of frustration due to certain unnamed places getting a lot more snow. We are all adults and I am sure can just move on as per normal cant we? Janet
  14. Im impressed you must have been very cold after finishing that but soooo worth it im sure Janet x
  15. That is true but banging your head will not make you feel any better. There is something on the way try crossing your fingers lol Janet x
  16. http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/public/pws/invent/weathermap/ Its still suggesting lots of showers and still suggesting snow its a watch the radar/lamposts with everything crossed night Janet
  17. I think its very much a case of wait and see at the moment. I dont think we are going to get as much ppn as expected but I could be wrong. Temps feel a little warm for snow but dew points still at -1.7c so there is a chance I guess. Part of me wants it all to end so life can go back to normal but the other part of me is enjoying the drama that snow always bring. Should be an interesting couple of days. Janet x
  18. Oh good . . . was actually hoping for a bit of snow lol even with half a cloud cover I had hoped it would be colder than this but im not sure anymore than what falls will be snow. Could be good in some ways as we may be able to walk around in a few days without falling over but feels a little bitter sweet to be honest Janet x
  19. Temp is worryingly warm here at 1.5c . . has not dropped down at all after sunset Janet
  20. Yea saw that earlier . . best not run out of salt or my daughter will not be able to go to school. Being in a wheelchair its hard enough pushing her with salt dread to think what it would be like without. Janet
  21. logged off for a few hours while I knew it would be quiet in norfolk to cook dinner etc and cam back but the snow that was moving up the country has turned around and run away???? Oh dear not good I was looking forward to some snow tonight!! Janet x
  22. My thoughts exactly . . . heavy snow, winds . . people excited about something they probably have not seen in a long while. I am happy for those who are getting snow just hope they are blowing it this way too!!
  23. Current temp is 1.7c and falling. Had some snow overnight and a little this morning now have approx 1.5 inches of lying snow. Hope you all got some more snow last night Janet x
  24. Temp here currently -5.6c and falling. Got some showers a few miles to my east but not sure if they will go around me as a lot of others have previously. Anyway time to call it a night, really do prefer it like this feels like a smaller group who actually have time to read and answer each other rather than jumping pages in a few minutes. Sweet dreams all, hope you all wake with some more snow on the gound Janet x
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