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Nights King

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Everything posted by Nights King

  1. Your forgetting the the Norfolk Broads though, that ppn will have a hard time crossing the mountainous terrain to reach us.
  2. Same for Bradford on Avons forecast but it isn't correct I can assure you of that.
  3. Amazing how showers can make it all way a cross England and Wales crossing welch mountains but can't make it over relatively flat ground to the west country!
  4. Don't mind prolonged cold and dry once we have the snow on ground. Whats more likely is cold block holds all at bay until it then folds like a wet paper napkin and we get rain.
  5. Lets hope we get the stalling front followed by cold victory then rinse repeat a few times going through feb.
  6. hmm problem is I am only 30m asl currently I am petrified of marginal events later in week.
  7. Pull yourself together! I'm looking forward to my 5 min flurry this winter.
  8. South west really scraping barrel though at least anything that did fall might hang around for a few days for lucky few.
  9. I am kind of hoping that snow in south east from low clears away faster so we can allow this shower activity to start driving our weather fortunes.
  10. At least while our blizzards here in west country are delayed a little it has allowed this cold dry easterly to dry out our surfaces a little ready and cool it all down.
  11. I think ull be waiting a long time for it to reach our neck of the woods I do keep checking though.
  12. None over night but bbc forecast just now shows showers streaming into westcountry from this evening. Interesting
  13. It can only be a good thing but i expect temperature to rise as cloud cover increases later?
  14. I hope your right, roll on the 12z maybe that will snap me out of it
  15. Lets hope this isnt the defining event for the great cold spell of winter 2021
  16. Yes the warning im talking about is tonights and sundays so we less than 24 hours away which i would expect them to have a better handle of than the 6 - 30 day forecast but who knows it could change for better. Chanel low is a chance but I think it will clip southern most areas. dorset may have a chance, we need to see upgrades.
  17. If they use the met office one then yes it only includes north east fringe of west country and wording says this - "Outbreaks of rain, sleet and snow, the latter mainly over hills, moving westwards across the area during Saturday night. This will lead to 1-4 cm of snow accumulating in places, mainly above 200-300 metres." That is a non event for the west country in my eyes.
  18. Nice to see warnings of snow everywhere except for the west country on met office. Surely we can strike it lucky once over the coming days?
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