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Everything posted by Barbmac

  1. Absolutely bucketing down here. Currently 3.8oC.
  2. This is so frustrating - now I can actually SEE the snow falling in the far distance from our elevated spot! However the clouds from the SW are getting closer and closer so fingers crossed. Currently 3.8oC.
  3. Clear and very cold in Malvern! Just 1.8oC. No sign of any white stuff, very envious of you further north.
  4. It's cleared through here now, patches of blue sky showing. Think that's the last of whatever it was.
  5. huge wet snowflakes falling here. Wind's gone right round from a near southerly to a northerly. Wish it was sticking!
  6. Snowing! Blowing a gale and of course not settling but yay!
  7. Squally shower coming through at the moment but it's only rain. 7.7oC currently.
  8. A cool, partly sunny, later cloudy day here, but feeling rather hopeful of a sprinkling of snow tomorrow! Will be the first here this year if it happens.
  9. Very disappointing winter here as well, no snow on the Malverns at all! Today's been reasonable, cold, sunny and calm, quite nice to sit out in if you're wearing enough layers.
  10. It's very blowy out, currently 5.7oC, but not too much in the way of rain at the moment, although it looks pretty dark out towards the West.
  11. I think that was MIA spontaneously combusting.
  12. And it's gone! That was short and sweet.
  13. Yes I'd say we're right under it here - it's pelting down.
  14. Couple of claps of thunder here, raining hard. Temp 7.8oC
  15. No snow whatsoever here. Currently foggy and damp, 2.5oC. I was good with the sunny, frosty days but please no more murk!
  16. Unsurprisingly not one flake here. Hard frost though. Currently 1.2oC, coldest night this winter.
  17. Dry as a bone here, but not unexpected. Any showers look a long way from us so I'm off to bed. If it snows here, I'll catch it when I get up! Good luck everyone!
  18. 2.8oC here at the mo, dew point is -1.5oC. Clear skies, stars are out, quite windy. The Cheshire Gap is going to have to work overtime to get snow showers down this far, but I'll keep my fingers crossed.
  19. Raining here, 3.9oC, dewpoint is 1.1oC. Not even the faintest sign of sleetiness.
  20. No sleet overnight where I am on the Malverns. In fact it's sat at a stubborn 4.1oC all night, and now there's a light fog. I'd love to see some white stuff - Facebook insisted on reminding me of a very snowy day some 6 years ago - 6th January 2010 - when we had several inches of snow, and it has indeed been a long time since anything significant here. We missed out last winter. I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much! However the far brighter days recently have been a welcome relief - but we've yet to see a frost this winter.
  21. This has to be a most tiresome winter. I like cold, frosty, bright winters but this has been a gloomy, wet damp-fest for the most part here. And now the inevitable flood warnings are springing up on the River Severn as all that rain over North Wales starts to make its way down the river. Even going for a walk on the Malverns, the ground is water-logged and boggy on the paths.
  22. Thanks for the tag! One of my most memorable and favourite recollections is the first winter I spent in the UK back in December 1978, I was living in London and we had snow just before Christmas followed by a prolonged cold spell, topped off by a heavy fall on 31 December, Kensington Gardens was thick with snow. It was magical for an Australian who'd never experienced it before: @Bishop Brennan @Dancerwithwings @snowangel32 @ajpoolshark @Midlands Ice Age
  23. Tipping it down here! Very heavy rain. Mild though, 11.1 C
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