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Everything posted by iand61

  1. Sorry to hear that mate, hope we can get shut of this horrible virus and you can get back with you family soon.
  2. All’s gone quiet in the mad thread, I can’t possibly imagine why unless the threat of snowy Armageddon in the Home Counties has been scaled back.
  3. Yeah it is a bit of a messy map but our snow one is in there somewhere
  4. Nice to see the warning, just hope it delivers for the region now
  5. Yep looking promising although my part of the region usually needs more of a westerly element to get the showers. let’s see what tomorrow brings though, hopefully at least some of the region can see some falling and lying snow and for the others, let’s hope their wait is minimal.
  6. After a couple of decent days it’s back to the default setting of dark, damp and drizzly crap. never mind at least parts of the region had a white Christmas of sorts, just hope it’s not as good as it gets for snow this winter.
  7. Hope everyone had a good day and Father Christmas brought everything they asked for including for some at least, the added bonus of a bit of snow. it’s a bit milder and drizzly here now, probably the precursor of tomorrow’s rain although it looks like with a bit of luck, we may just see a bit of wet snow in the mix. After that though is anyone’s guess but if the current BBC forecast is to be believed, it dry here until new year. can’t see it myself and I won’t be happy if we miss out on snow while others get buried but some hard frosts will do if it’s all that’s on offer. one thing is for sure, it looks like a decent period of cold weather is on the cards.
  8. First Christmas Day with falling snow here since god knows when but a long time ago.
  9. Merry Christmas to everyone on Netweather. hope you all stay safe and well it’s let’s look forward to a better 2021
  10. Think you’ll find out in the next hour or so
  11. Looking at the radar, they are making a decent effort at moving inland and have reached the Dales. if the Pennines don’t break them up we may just see a bit of seasonal wintryness over this side in the coming hours
  12. Back from a decent walk, a bit icy underfoot at times and certainly a nip in the air but nice all the same. At one stage a bit of patchy cloud even gave the odd flake of falling snow
  13. It looks like an icy start to Christmas Eve but hopefully a lovely winters day is on the way. just waiting for it to come light and then it’s time for a brisk walk before the last minute mayhem starts
  14. Not bad here, windy and rain throughout but nothing out the ordinary. Anyway it looks like we’ve got a couple of dry winter days to look forward to now before the crap returns on Boxing Day. hopefully an opportunity for a socially distanced walk or two.
  15. Yeah it looks like the Peaks and South Pennines are gobbling it all up. It’s like having a cocky but tiny version of the Andes in your back garden when it comes to blocking stuff from the east. just a shame it never does the same when it comes to stopping a westerly feed crossing over the other side and then more than often actually intensifying. as you say though it’s cold rain so nothing lost but if it had have been snow there would have been a lot of peeeeed off people in this region.
  16. Normally precipitation blown on a December easterly would be snow up here but 2020 has been far from normal on all counts
  17. Well if our friends in the Mad thread are to be believed, the no mans land between Christmas and NY could be a snow fest across much of the country. what could possibly go wrong
  18. Our current gloomfest temperature is only 5c and that’s as good as it’s got all day so being further north and into the colder uppers there’s every chance.
  19. Anyone else feel like they are living in a perpetual gloom fest or is it just a Pennine thing.
  20. There’s no way our SE based members are going to give that one up without a fight. I can hear the screams of Southerly correction already
  21. Our best chance usually comes from a straight westerly with anything north of westerly tending to push the heavier stuff further down towards Greater Manchester and the Peak District. Obviously altitude helps as a westerly doesn’t often give cold enough uppers but given the right conditions and it’s bingo for us. This came from a straight westerly but it was certainly a day of the higher the better and further down the valley it was wet with barely a covering whilst we got almost a foot of snow in a six hour streamer of showers.
  22. I am probably high enough but it looks a bit marginal even for here. On the tops of the Pennines, possibly a different story
  23. Our first beast from the east, late March 2013. A near 24 hour blizzard of powdery snow blown into deep drifts in probably our best snowstorm from an easterly since 1979.
  24. A bit of a damp one today. nothing more positive to add really other than a chance of something more wintry around Christmas but probably restricted to altitudes that few if anyone lives at. still a few flakes falling would be nice.
  25. And maybe a bit of sleety stuff up here but after the procession of mild Christmas Day’s we seem to have had lately it’s looking like an improvement although maybe a messy one.
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