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Everything posted by iand61

  1. Yeah it’s pretty much peeeeeed it down all day, never torrential but steady throughout and blown horizontally by the wind at times. a thoroughly awful day and the rivers have certainly responded.
  2. Does going looking for snow count as essential travel when leaving a Tier 3 area
  3. Considering the extremely dry spring we had, it’s amazing that 2020 has turned out so wet overall.
  4. Sunshine out west and possibly dry tomorrow afternoon; at this rate you’ll miss out on breaking the wettest year record by about 1mm
  5. Yeah it’s shaping up nicely to be yet another write off weekend. how long is it since we had a dry, sunny Saturday and Sunday, seems a lifetime ago.
  6. Just had a 2 hour walk with the dog and it never stopped raining throughout and at times it was pretty heavy so if it’s the same up in the your part of the country and if tomorrow’s forecast comes off then your 50 year record should fall in a matter of hours.
  7. Yep there looks to be a narrowish band of heavy rain heading over the region at the moment. no doubt it’ll start peeeeing down here within the next half hour or so.
  8. Yeah that’s certainly a damp one It’s been pretty wet here but not in that league.
  9. One of those frustrating although common winter days when the alignment of showers would give a good dumping of snow if the uppers were favourable. but there not and it’s plain old cold rain instead
  10. Yeah I’m on the last of two days holiday so was hoping for a bit of a lie in but the rain still woke me up at the usual time.
  11. Now that place does get seasonal weather As we say around these parts, that would feel a bit fresh.
  12. Probs won’t amount to much but I’ll take it.
  13. Not sure what the temperature is here but the car which wasn’t used today is already coated in ice.
  14. A bit of SE bias that’s a diplomatic way of putting it more often than not I think I’ve clicked on the SE regional thread by mistake
  15. Not the best of photos and although we do have deer around these parts, it’s not common to see such a magnificent creature as this. It certainly made up for an otherwise pretty boring walk in dreary conditions.
  16. It took a while to clear up but once it did the tops looked great cloaked in a few inches of snow. just a shame I was driving with a missus who associates snow with horrible cold and doesn’t appreciate the beauty of a winter landscape.
  17. No more snow overnight but little in the way of melt either so we still have a slight covering on the usual suspects such as grass and decking. off out for my Saturday morning walk shortly, hopefully there will be at least a covering of “whitish” slush higher up the hill.
  18. Probably not and if the weather doesn’t ruin it no doubt roadworks will do
  19. Bet it got worse in the afternoon after the heavier stuff set in again. I have to say after years of driving up that 4 x 4 track it’s great to see how smooth it is after the resurfacing.
  20. First snow covering of the season. only about a cm but nice to see and hopefully the first of many
  21. Snowing again, second time today. still not sticking though.
  22. Looking good, what could possibly go wrong in the next 12 hours.
  23. Was snowing here but it didn’t stick and has stopped again. but its the first snow of the season and the last ice age started with the first flakes of snow
  24. London can have my snow for the rest of the winter if they’ll take my Tier 3 for the same time.
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