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Everything posted by stupotlee

  1. I know about humidity and dew points (thanks to pointers from people on here) but this just fascinates me! it's been fine and sunny all day. then that hefty shower appeared and the temp and DP quickly converged on each other. also, we hit 2c earlier today here, so no Ice Day
  2. Like everyone else in line, just had a belter of a shower, 10 mins and the roads were covered in about 1-2 cm 20210210_161436.mp4
  3. Lovely sunny, but cold, day in Barnsley. I don't mind it but I just wish there was more snow down first! Snowy breakdown this weekend, slightly warmer, then bang for the reload with tons and tons of snow on a proper bitter easterly we can all wish though
  4. The auto forecast on here is suggesting a decent event Saturday afternoon into Sunday morning. Yet again it's the "always 5 days away" rule though Thoughts from anyone? Possibility of it coming off?
  5. Nothing to write home about in Penistone, through to Barnsley. The direction has shifted more easterly now, yesterday, showers coming in over Hornsea were a direct hit for us, now they're drifting off northwards of us. Maybe, just maybe if the direction shifts a slight bit more, a true easterly may set in and the Humber will get to work on the air coming over the North Sea. We can but hope I suppose
  6. temps and DP starting to close up, humidity has gone up to 93%, I'm hoping this is a good sign.....
  7. just in the middle of the heaviest snow shower we've had all morning! ps: excuse the mess - we're in the middle of having a clear out and decorating 20210208_104416.mp4
  8. join the club! just been out to throw some grit on the frozen slush from Saturday night's brief covering. what little is left is a bit dodgy underfoot!
  9. you're normally the one complaining you've got no snow when everyone else has loads congrats on probably the deepest snow around here for the moment!
  10. please remember that the radar is slightly behind current time and the showers are flying through at a fair old pace. by the time the radar says it's above you, it'll probably have already been and gone!
  11. Slight dusting in Penistone, much like most places. currently it's -1.8 with a dew of -3.4. 88% humidity. looks like a showery day, not much to write home about
  12. we're currently in the process of "activating" any spare carers we have in preparation for sunday onwards. Because it's twisting and changing constantly, we just need to be sure we can deploy as many people as possible to try to keep staff to their local area. at least they can walk between calls then. can't we just build a super-super-super computer that can get weather patterns down and predictions 100% please?
  13. just had a last hurrah with a heavy shower then it's stopped. with the very accurate "finger dip" measurement, it went up to the last knuckle and just onto the back of my hand - so about 10-12 cm so I'm stuck at home, as predicted, as virtually all bus services in SY are suspended. time to finish that decorating!
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