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June Weather Records

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  • Location: Nr Appleby in Westmorland
  • Location: Nr Appleby in Westmorland

I can't see this having been started elsewhere, so....

Average daily maximum; 18.8º

Highest daily maximum; 26.3º (23rd)

Lowest daily maximum; 10.2º (5th)

Average daily minimum; 8.3º

Highest daily minimum; 15.7º (30th)

Lowest daily minimum; 2.1º (12th)

Mean temperature; 13.6º (ten year average 13.6º)

Total rainfall; 41mm

No. wet days (0.2mm or above); fourteen

Wettest day; 14.2mm (17th)

Rainfall for the year so far; 448.8mm

A textbook average month then.

  • Replies 20
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  • Location: Teesdale,Co Durham. 360m asl
  • Location: Teesdale,Co Durham. 360m asl

Not far from OON

Average max 15.7C

Highest max 22.9C ( 2nd)

Lowest max 5.9C (5th)

Average min 8.0C

Lowest min 2.5C ( 4th)

Highest min 14.8 (30th)

Average temp 11.9C

Fairly cloudy month with expectionally cold day with snow on the hills early in the month.

Rainfall nearest meto site Copley 72.4mm.


Teesdale,Co Durham

  • Location: Reading
  • Location: Reading

And here down south in an urban location...

Highest maximum: 30.1 (June 30)

Lowest maximum: 15.3 (June 5)

Highest minimum: 17.8 (June 29)

Lowest minimum: 7.2 (June 8 )

Four very warm days, a couple of weeks of cooler changeable weather then a warm to hot finish to the month with minimal rainfall in the second half of the month. I don't have the equipment to measure rainfall or sunshine, but would expect rainfall to have been slightly below average and sunshine to be above average for the month. The rain tended to fall on a small number of very wet days, so the number of wet days was well below average.

  • Location: Sheffield South Yorkshire 160M Powering the Sheffield Shield
  • Weather Preferences: Any Extreme
  • Location: Sheffield South Yorkshire 160M Powering the Sheffield Shield

Stevenson data here http://www.sheffieldweather.co.uk/html/dat...06_onwards.html

Davis weather station here http://www.sheffieldweather.co.uk/html/2007-8_vp2_data.html

Averages here http://www.sheffieldweather.co.uk/html/averages.html

Overall a month slightly above average temp wise but loads of rain 122.7mm 181% of average. Only 11 days had measurable rain as well.


Castlebay Isle Of Barra June 2009

Highest Temperature 23°C

Lowest Temperature 5.9°C

Total Rainfall 30mm

Highest Humidity 94%

Lowest Humidity 37%

Highest Average Wind Speed 11mph

Average Wind Speed 7mph

Highest Gust 38mph

Highest Pressure 1030mb

Lowest Pressure 1002mb

Lowest Wind Chill -2°C

Highest Dew Point 18°C

Lowest Dew Point 5°C

  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire
  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire

For Westbury, Wiltshire

Average max = 22.21c (Highest = 29.4c on 29 June)

Average min = 10.85c (Lowest = 5.2c on 8 June)

Mean = 16.53c

Dry days = 15

Rain days = 15

Thunder heard = 2

Rainfall = 47.5mm

  • Location: Evesham/ Tewkesbury
  • Weather Preferences: Enjoy the weather, you can't take it with you 😎
  • Location: Evesham/ Tewkesbury

For the [VOEWS]....

The month can be divided into three, a dry very warm start, more unsettled and cooler with thunderstorms ,and then increasingly warm but still thundery.!

Of note is the Tuesday June2nd ...high of 27.6c [3rd warmest day of the month] but with high pressure over towards the ne of the uk it felt very pleasant, with very low humidities and 34% humidity was recorded that day, Another surpriZe was the rainfall [87.9mms recorded] compare that to the average of [64mms]

Highest rec temp monday 29th [29.6c]

Lowest rec temp [3.3c] Fri 12th

Average months maximum temp 19.07c...recorded 20.17c

Average months minimum temp 10.5c....recorded 10.5c :)

  • Location: Evesham, Worcs, Albion
  • Location: Evesham, Worcs, Albion

June 2009 Summary for Evesham

Max: 30.5 (29th)

Lowest Max: 15.1c (8th)

Ave Max: 21.4c

Min: 4.2c (12th)

Highest Min: 17.8c (30th)

Ave Min: 10.8c

Ave Temp: 16.1c

Total Rainfall: 97.2mm

Highest daily total: 36.8mm (6th)

Days >= 1mm: 10

Highest Pressure: 1027.5mb (23rd)

Lowest Pressure: 999 (7th)

Days of Air Frost: 0

Days of Snow: 0

Days of >=50% snow cover @ 09z: 0

Days of Snow Pellets: 0

Days of Hail: 0

Days of Thunderstorms: 1 (15th )

Other days thunder heard: 1


For the 2nd month running the warmest day was the 29th

With a maximum of 15.1c the 8th was the cold June day in my records. However, on the 6th the temperature did not get above 11.3c during daylight hours.

The 29th was the warmest day recorded since 20th July 2006. The minima on the 30th was not only the highest recorded in June but the 2nd highest ever recorded.

Overall the mean temp was the 2nd lowest (behind 2008) that I have recorded.

Rainfall 175% of local average for June – this was the first above average month since November 2008

(data starts in 2003)

  • Location: Near Matlock, Derbyshire
  • Location: Near Matlock, Derbyshire

Average max here was 19.2C, 0.3C below normal - highest max was 24.2C on 27th; lowest max was 14.9C on 7th.

Average min: 9.9C, 0-5C below normal - lowest min was 3.9C on 12th, highest min was 14.5C on 26th

36.75mm of rainfall (80% of normal), wettest day was the 16th when 15mm fell.

Only 1mm of rain fell between 17th and 30th.

2 thunder days (11th and 16th)

Winds were from an easterly quarter on 23 of the 30 days!

  • Location: G.Manchester
  • Location: G.Manchester

Average max 19.0c (+0.6c)

Average minimum 10.4c (-0.1c)

Highest temperature 30.1c

Lowest Minimum 4.2c

Lowest maximum 14.8c

Mean temperature 14.7c (+0.25c)

Fairly average overall

  • Location: Athens, Greece
  • Location: Athens, Greece

Temperature anomaly and % of normal precipitation



  • Location: just south of Doncaster, Sth Yorks
  • Location: just south of Doncaster, Sth Yorks

for Cantley long term averages in brackets


Avge Max=21.4(19.2)

Avge Min=10.6(9.5)

Highest=29.1 on 30th with lowest max=14.2 on 6th

Lowest=5.4 on 4th and highest min=16.4 on 30th

12 days 0.2mm or and 7 with 1.0mm or more; wettest=6th with 9.8mm; total=32.0mm

NB remember the total is about 25-30% lower than most others in this area=very sheltered back garden

no frost, snow or thunder(that I heard!) and 1 day with fog

overall above average temperature with the warmest spell, towards the end, since late May; the last 10 days all had a max of 21.0C or more; probably a bit drier than average.

  • Location: Cleeve, North Somerset
  • Weather Preferences: Continental winters & summers.
  • Location: Cleeve, North Somerset

YATTON, Bristol

First Week: Warm start then increasingly cool and wet

Second Week: Cool and changeable

Third Week: Quite warm and changeable

Fourth Week: Very Warm then Hot with thunderstorms

Here are my collected Max (degC) / Min (degC) / Rainfall (mm) / Sunshine (hrs) readings:

01: 27.1 / 12.2 / 00.0 / 12.6

02: 28.3 / 12.3 / 00.0 / 13.6

03: 24.1 / 13.9 / 00.0 / 08.7

04: 21.5 / 12.0 / 00.0 / 09.3

05: 19.9 / 11.6 / 00.0 / 04.7

06: 17.0 / 12.3 / 10.4 / 00.0

07: 17.7 / 08.3 / 11.5 / 03.6

08: 16.8 / 07.9 / 00.0 / 00.2

09: 19.5 / 09.2 / 03.2 / 01.7

10: 19.9 / 11.9 / 07.2 / 02.2

11: 21.4 / 11.6 / 00.0 / 09.5

12: 19.8 / 09.3 / 00.0 / 00.0

13: 22.5 / 14.0 / 00.0 / 05.9

14: 23.6 / 11.2 / 00.0 / 11.7

15: 22.5 / 14.1 / 00.0 / 06.2

16: 24.3 / 11.2 / 00.0 / 08.5

17: 18.9 / 13.2 / 05.5 / 00.5

18: 19.8 / 10.7 / 00.0 / 01.3

19: 19.4 / 12.1 / 00.0 / 05.5

20: 20.6 / 13.2 / 02.1 / 05.6

21: 19.8 / 12.5 / 00.0 / 01.1

22: 22.9 / 13.9 / 00.0 / 02.6

23: 24.9 / 14.9 / 00.0 / 05.7

24: 26.3 / 14.0 / 00.0 / 11.3

25: 25.9 / 13.4 / 00.0 / 05.1

26: 20.5 / 15.3 / 08.2 / 01.7

27: 25.4 / 13.0 / 00.0 / 12.6

28: 24.9 / 15.3 / 00.0 / 05.2

29: 29.2 / 16.1 / 09.2 / 09.4

30: 28.4 / 17.6 / 00.0 / 04.8

Ave. Max: 22.4C

Ave. Min: 12.6C

Average: 17.5C (1.2C above the average)

Rainfall: 57.3mm (0.6mm above the average)

Sunshine: 170.8hrs

Ave. Pressure: 1017.6mb

Highest Press: 1028.6mb (Tue 23rd)

Lowest Press: 1000.0mb (Sat 06th)

Wet Days: 08 Days

Dry Days: 22 Days

T-Storms: 02

  • Location: Llanwnnen, Lampeter, Ceredigion, 126m asl (exotic holidays in Rugby/ Coventry)
  • Location: Llanwnnen, Lampeter, Ceredigion, 126m asl (exotic holidays in Rugby/ Coventry)

June 2009 Weather summary and statistics, Llanwnnen, Ceredigion

Summary: Rather warm overall with a hot ending.

Up to the 4th it was dry, very warm and sunny.

The 6th was very wet and accounted for over half the months total. It was also very cool.

7th-11th: Near average temperatures, fairly dry, but heavy showers on the 10th.

12th-16th: Mostly dry with sunny spells and quite warm.

17th-21st: Rather cool. Some rain at times and only a little sunshine.

22nd-30th: Summer proper arrived! It was often dry and warm with sunny spells. The final two days were hot and humid, reaching 28c on the 30th.


Total rainfall: 73.2mm

Wettest day: 42.0mm 6th

Rain days >0.2mm: 9

Wet days >1.0mm: 7

Days of heavy rain >10mm: 2

Mean temperature: 14.9c

Mean Max: 20.6c

Mean Min: 9.2c

High max: 27.9c 30th

Low Max: 12.9c 6th

High min: 15.5c 29th

Low min: 2.9c 12th

Air frost: 0

Ground frost: 0

Mean RH: 77%

High RH: 95% 23rd

Low RH: 39% 2nd

Predominant wind direction: NW

Mean wind speed: 0.4mph

Mean pressure: 1015mbar

Max pressure: 1028mbar 23rd

Min pressure: 998mbar 6th

Days with:

Hail: 0

Sleet or snow: 0

Snow lying 0900: 0

Gale: 0

Thunder: 3

Fog: 2

Fog at 0900: 0

post-2595-1246652930_thumb.jpg post-2595-1246652966_thumb.jpg

Note re graphs:

WS2300 data.

Maxima subject to up to 1c downward adjustment with winds from south and western quarters owing to over shelter (sunny days).

Pressure needs +17mbar for actual figures.

  • Location: Buxton, Derbyshire
  • Location: Buxton, Derbyshire

Lincoln (UK) June 2009 Latitude 53° 13'49.80N


Valid 1st- 30th June, 2009

Highest Temperature: 27.8°C/82f (30th)

Lowest Temperature: 4.7C/40.5f (4th)

Mean Maximum: 19.5c/67.1f

Mean Minimum: 10.2c/50.4f

Mean Temperature: 14.8c/58.6f


Lowest Maximum: 13.6c/56.5f (4th)

Highest Minimum: 15.2c/59.4f (28th)


Precipitation: 37.2mm/1.46"*

Days with rain >1mm: 3

Days with rain: 10

Most in one day: 20mm/0.78" (7th)


Sunshine hours: 175.5**

Most in one day: 15.5***

Sunless days: 1


Average Pressure: 1018mb/30.06"

Highest: 1030mb/30.41" (23rd)

Lowest: 1003mb/29.62" (7th)


Days with Sleet/Snow: 0

Days with Hail/Ice Pellets:0

Days with Thunder heard: 2 (7th, 15th)

Days with Fog: NA

*Based on estimate. Could be higher than actual

**Incomplete (28 days worth of data)

*** Estimate

After just two warm days an notable cold and unsettled period set in, with the 7th in particular having terrible weather; persistent and heavy rain in the day with a temperature of just 8.6c at 3pm. Cool and changeable continued for the next few days. A return to average or above average temperatures by 12th, followed by a day of heavy showers, rain and storms on 15th. Very easterly mostly settled second half. A warmish spell at the end of the month.

The month yet again saw below average sunshine. Overall the temperature was slightly above average. Pretty poor for thunder with no direct thunderstorms just a couple of rumbles each time.

  • Location: Skirlaugh, East Yorkshire
  • Location: Skirlaugh, East Yorkshire

Hull, East Yorkshire.

June 2009

Warmest Max: 24.0°C (on 28/06/09)

Coldest Max: 13.6°C (on 04/06/09)

Warmest Min: 14.6°C (on 29/06/09)

Coldest Min: 7.3°C (on 04/06/09)

Average Max: 18.8°C (+0.4°C Above 1971-2000 Average)

Average Min: 11.5°C (+1.5°C Above 1971-2000 Average)

Overall Average: 15.1°C (+0.9°C Above 1971-2000 Average)

Rain: 12.7mm (25% Of Normal)

Wettest Day: 20th (5.1mm)

Air Frosts: 0

Days with Snow: 0

Snow lying at 0900: 0 days

Dry Days: 21

Wet Days: 9

Days With Rain >1.0mm: 3

Thunderstorms: 0

Year 2009 So Far (Jan - Jun)

Warmest Max: 24.0°C (on 28/06/09)

Coldest Max: 1.6°C (on 06/01/09)

Warmest Min: 14.6°C (on 29/06/09)

Coldest Min: -2.8°C (on 10/01/09)

Average Max: 11.9°C (+0.2°C Above 1971-2000 Average)

Average Min: 6.2°C (+1.5°C Above 1971-2000 Average)

Overall Average: 9.1°C (+0.9°C Above 1971-2000 Average)

Rain: 218.0mm (81% Of Normal)

Wettest Day: 12/02/09 (16.0mm)

Air Frosts: 14

Days with Snow: 9

Snow lying at 0900: 3 days

Dry Days: 88

Wet Days: 93

Days With Rain >1.0mm: 53

Thunderstorms: 0

An exceptionally dry month, just behind June 2006 which had 12.2mm. Measurable rain fell on just four days. This was due to the persistence of easterly winds. As a result, daytime temperatures were close to average but minima well above, similar to much of spring. Unlike the last few months however, there was a marked difference in average temperatures in each half of the month.

After a fine and sunny first couple of days it turned rather cool and cloudy. The first 10 days had a mean of just 12.8C. From the 4th - 8th, the temperature didnt top 15.3C. Single figure minima were common. It then turned slightly milder with some rain mid-month as the Atlantic briefly influenced the weather. This was short-lived, as very warm conditions moved in during the last 10 days. Unfortunately, with an onshore breeze, it was initially cloudy and temperatures were moderated, but it eventually turned clear and sunny, though remained rather humid.

  • Location: Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK
  • Location: Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK

Monthly Weather Data Report for Garioch Weather Station, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire – June 2009

A generally dull month, a little warmer and wetter than normal, saved by the last week's sunshine.

Mean Temperature 12.4°C, 0.3°C higher than the long term average (LTA) of 12.1°C

Minimum Temperature 4.0°C, on the 9th.

Mean Minimum Temperature 8.7°C, 0.4°C higher than the 8.3°C LTA.

Maximum Temperature 23.6°C, on the 1st.

Mean Maximum Temperature 16.4°C, 0.8°C higher than the 15.6°C LTA.

Maximum Daily High Wind Speed 21.0mph, on the 16th.

Total Rainfall 65.3mm, 11.6mm higher than the 53.7mm LTA (121.6%).

Average Bright Sunshine Hours 5.5hrs per day, 0.5hrs less than the 6.0hrs per day LTA (91.5%).

For more details, click here.

For 5 year comparisons, click here.

  • Location: Cheddington, Buckinghamshire
  • Weather Preferences: Winter: Cold & Snowy, Summer: Just not hot
  • Location: Cheddington, Buckinghamshire

Pretty average temperature wise, but very wet, I think it is one of my wettest months on record.

High temp...27.1c

Low temp...3.3c

Average temp...14.6c

High humidity...94%

Low humidity...28%

High dewpoint...19.0c

Low dewpoint... -

High pressure...1027.7hpa

Low pressure...998.9hpa


  • Location: Lincoln, Lincolnshire
  • Weather Preferences: Sunshine, convective precipitation, snow, thunderstorms, "episodic" months.
  • Location: Lincoln, Lincolnshire

June 2009, Cleadon, Tyne & Wear: (averages are estimated averages for 1971-2000)

Mean Max 17.1C (+0.4)

Mean Min 10.6C (+1.1)

Mean Temp 13.8C (+0.7)

Highest Max 21.5C (23rd)

Lowest Max 11.0C (5th)

Lowest Min 4.8C (12th)

Precipitation: 56mm (100%)

Wettest day: 15mm (5th)

Days of thunder: 1

Days of fog: 3

(all other "days of" variables = 0)

It started dry, sunny and quite warm despite the wind off the North Sea but the 4th through to 11th were mostly cool and cloudy with rain at times. The 12th-14th were quite warm by day but cool by night, with sunshine and sharp showers. A heavy shower developed from nowhere over the South Shields area late on the 13th and produced thunder and lightning. On the 15th, however, while most of the rest of the country (and region) had sun, showers and thunderstorms, Cleadon was dull and dry with North Sea stratus.

It was bright at times during the third week, and became sunny and warm around the 21st-25th. However, from the 26th to 30th it was persistently cloudy with North Sea stratus and there was persistent rain on the 27th. Overall a month of slightly above average temperature, slightly below average sunshine and near average rainfall. The mean temperature was similar to June 2007, which was the coolest since 2001.

It's astonishing how different the month was in Cleadon relative to what I experienced in Exeter.

  • Location: Skirlaugh, East Yorkshire
  • Location: Skirlaugh, East Yorkshire
It's astonishing how different the month was in Cleadon relative to what I experienced in Exeter.

Yes, June and indeed much of the spring have been very different on eastern coasts compared to further west due to the persistence of easterly winds. Minima have been high and maxima close to average.

Funny you mention June being similar to 2007 temperature-wise. A strange statistical quirk is that here June has averaged 15.1C in 2007, 2008 and 2009. The weather-types and rainfall levels have been very different though.

  • Location: South Derbyshire Burton on Trent, Midlands, UK:
  • Weather Preferences: Extreme winter cold.
  • Location: South Derbyshire Burton on Trent, Midlands, UK:

June 2009 Report.

Temperatures were rather below average for the first half of the month with mostly unsettled conditions. The second half more than made up for the first half, with warm settled conditions predominating. The month ended above average by 1.0c. Rainfall was slightly above average for this area.

Daily notes:

4th: A very cool night for June, minimum temperature 2.3c and 0.5c on the grass.

7th was thundery and very cool for June with a temperature only managing 11.1c by 18:00GMT, though 12.0c was reached by the end of the 24 hour period ending at 09:00GMT, it was also the wettest day of the year so far with 23.3mm of rain.

12th Another very cool night, minimum temperature 3.3c and 1.1c on the grass.

13th: In complete contrast to the 12th cold start; it was a good deal warmer this morning after a very mild and overcast night, minimum temperature only down to 13.6c, warmer than two maximums last week and the warmest night since 11th September last year (13.7c).

Stats for June 2009

Mean maximum temperature = 20.5c

Mean minimum temperature = 10.0c

Mean temperature = 15.3c + 1.0c

Highest maximum on the 29th = 27.4c

Lowest Maximum on the 6th = 11.7c

Highest minimum on the 27th = 16.0c

Lowest minimum on the 4th = 2.3c

Minimum Grass Temperature on the 4th = 0.5 c

Ground Frosts = 0

Air frost = 0

Fog Observed = 0

Days of Rain, with 1mm or more = 6

Wettest Day 7th = 23.3mm

Days of snow falling = 0.

Days of lying snow at 09:00 GMT = 0

Thunder heard / Thunderstorms = 3 on the 7th, 10th, 29th

Highest wind gust = 32mph ESE on the 7th.

Rainfall total = 61.6mm 109%

Rainfall total to date for 2009 = 298.5mm


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