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Query about cloud cover forecast map of the Faroe Islands

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Hi Everyone


I am going to be on the Faroe Islands on the 20th of March in order to see the total solar eclipse. I want to have the best chance possible of seeing the eclipse without clouds in the way. It would therefore be ideal for me if early on the morning of the eclipse, I could look at a detailed map of the Faroe Islands on the Internet which shows the forecasted cloud cover about three hours ahead so that I know whereabouts on the islands I should go to see the eclipse. Does anyone know if anything like this is available anywhere?


Thank you very much.

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Posted (edited)

Hi Tim,


Welcome to the forum...


http://www.sat24.com/ is quite good, it goes about an hour forward, but you would be able to see any incoming cloud.


There is actually a detailed discussion here:




In regards to the TSE.


I was thinking of going myself but March is notorious for cloud cover. It will be luck of the draw i'm afraid.



Edited by Dr. Astro

Hi Dr Astro


Thank you very much for your reply.


Unfortunately, on sat24.com, I can't zoom in enough on the Pharoes to get the detail I need. Does anyone know of a better website?


My provisional plan is to be on the summit of Slættaratindur which is the highest mountain on the Pharoes at 880 metres high. To what extent do you think this will improve my chances?


Thank you very much.


Hi Dr Astro


Thank you very much for your reply.


Unfortunately, on sat24.com, I can't zoom in enough on the Pharoes to get the detail I need. Does anyone know of a better website?


My provisional plan is to be on the summit of Slættaratindur which is the highest mountain on the Pharoes at 880 metres high. To what extent do you think this will improve my chances?


Thank you very much.


I'm sure you're aware that the Faroes are one the the cloudiest places in the world and the highest peak is probably one of the cloudier parts.

But there is a fohn wind known locally as glaves or glavis, don't know how effective it is at clearing skies downwind but you could have ideally plan A - clear weather, view from the peak would be special. Failing that plan B - Atlantic murk and low cloud, hopefully brighter skies in the lee of the high ground, possible plan C - a cooler maritime airstream with clouds/showers triggered by the islands, might be better to be upwind of the high ground instead. Really need some local knowledge to answer better.


Looking into this a bit further there have been some reports published by the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) regarding the Faroes, one such being The Climate of The Faroe Islands - with Climatological Standard Normals, 1961-1990http://beta.dmi.dk/fileadmin/user_upload/Rapporter/TR/1998/tr98-14.pdf


The chance of clear weather is very slim - at Torshavn the mean March cloud cover is 80% and it is 82% at Mykines Fyr on the western tip of the islands. The lowest total recorded is Akraberg Fyr on the southernmost island with 77% cloud cover. Torshavn averages only 71 hours bright sunshine in March and it is persistently cloudy with only about 2 clear days (<20% cloud) per year.


The benefit of the fohn effect is probably a non-starter, maybe more related to the dissipation of low clouds as they roll down the hillsides. Strond Kraftstation in the northeast to the lee of the high ground has the fewest number of days >= 0.1mm precipitation with 20 in March compared to 24 at Akraberg Fyr and 26 at Torshavn and Mykines Fyr.


This shows there is some effect in reducing light drizzle, but otherwise Strond Kraftstation is a very wet location. The figures for >=1mm for all are 17 or 18 days, but Strond Kraftstation has nearly 10 days >= 10mm compared to 4 for Torshavn and less than 2 for Mykines Fyr and Akraberg Fyr, and for total precipitation is between 2 and 4 times as wet as these other three stations.


All in all a big slice of luck is going to be required!

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  • Weather Preferences: Not too hot, excitement of snow, a hoolie
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The Faeroes do appear on the edge of the Icelandic Met Office sat pic




auto Metars and a TAF here



Hope you get a break

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