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Everything posted by snowlover2009

  1. it really isn't that far out when you think about it, very extroidinary, if it was in the low res i wouldn't be as excited, but that would be hell on earth much of england and wales
  2. what were temps like on that night? gosh, i cannot imagine drifts getting up to my second floor windows, it probably did do back then, but nowadays it would be just unreal, heres hoping for the rest of this month and next week. i know its a random question too lol, but how long would it take for a drift to get as high as a second floor window. does a drift usually mean most of the snow gets blown up against the wall or can it mean snow being blown by the wind in the air and crashing into wals and creating the drift. if you get my drift lol
  3. i bet its the drifts after the the blizzards what make events like them spectacular too, just seeing how they are and look. i have seen drifitng but never anything like how you describe, i can just imagine massive amounts of snow being blown against walls
  4. I was just talking about the actual 18z thats all. i just wondered would that actually bring blizzards and severe weather here in leeds, i just wouldn't want to be on the borders of something very spectactular of what some people have never seen in their lifetime and then miss out on it.
  5. good luck with the snow, it looks like we would stay mostly dry compared to the souths massive dumpings, wouldn't i?
  6. the problem is that the snow is in the south, me being from the far south of north of england, wouldn't that run just keep it mostly dry here.
  7. mild spells might last as long as cold spells from recent years, infact even shorter lookign at this upcoming blip, infact not a blip for here. it can onyl get better for my part of the world astonishing because we have had snow on the gorund since last thursday and then comes ecm and throws somethign which will put current snow to shame lol.
  8. hi guys, i say roll on next week, because next weeks weather could put this weeks snow to shame believe it or not if some of the models verified. ecm is a peach for here next week
  9. ecm is brilliant, unbelievable the amount of snow this area could get. we have snow cover since thursday and then comes this mild blip. MIld blip lol? then we are snow bound once again some significant snow for much of england and wales on ecm tonight
  10. im surprised, tonights temperatures in scotland may get as cold as last winters coldest temp. what you going for? i reckon -20
  11. their charts are very very terrible. they change all the time. on the tv they have snow shoers for north of england scotland, on the website it is rain and no mention of snow on bbc 5 day froecast
  12. how much snow there would you say and i have seen even worse from that witner, with cars driving through mountains of piles of snow on either side lol
  13. off wiki, but still 2930 December 1962 On 2930 December 1962, a blizzard swept across the southwest of England and Wales. Snow drifted to over 6 metres (20 feet) deep in places, blocking roads and railways. The snow stranded villagers and brought down power lines. The near freezing temperatures meant that the snow cover lasted for over two months in some areas.
  14. Something I would like to ask because I am so eager to know lol, hope it is in the right spot. In 1979, 47 and 63 blizzards for example, would the snow have been deeper and driftier than that usually on the east coast of usa at times. I remember reading that in 1963 that drifts were recorded of up to 20 ft and i havent even heard of anything like that on the east coast for example? Also how long did these big snow storms last for in the uk and would the snow stay persisitent for hours on end and never stop. also, how on earth did the drifts manage to reach those substnatial heights. Finally is there anywhere where i can find out the snow depths in some of those winters and what were temps like udring those winters most of the time? thanks.
  15. this is off topic, but i have done some research on past snowy winters to get me in the mood and i would like to ask a question In 1978, 47 and 63 blizzards for example , would the snow have been deeper and driftier than that usually on the east coast of usa at times. I remember reading that in 1963 that drifts were recorded of up to 20 ft and i havent even heard of anything like that on the east coast for example?
  16. In 1978 blizzard, would the snow have been deeper and driftier than that usually on the east coast of usa at times. I remember reading that in 1963 that drifts were recorded of up to 20 ft and i havent even heard of anything like that on the east coast for example?
  17. the snow is buffeting the opposite side of my houses, so the snow in the gardens is really getting very thick and is very drifty. in my garden there is icicles and a lot of them, i would 10cm long or maybe a little longer than that. if we see no rain for the rest of the week which i don't think we will, we should definelty have a white xmas
  18. yes i think this el nino is helping us but not meaning to do so, its like sort of confused in some someway if u get me, by bringing us a different scenario to things.
  19. anyone as shocked as i am about the amount of snow ppn so far? snow is deep
  20. had a few moderate snow showrs today we still have a lot of snow cover, the roads too are a little compact, thats the only place where most of the snow has melted due to cars. Will this snow stay for christmas day though if we have no more snow falling from now? Also there is a possibility of some snowfall xmas eve evening. pretty exciting
  21. seriously? temperatue now -4 and dropping and dropping we still have the same amount of snow and no significant snow melt at all, only the odd gfew bits have lost snow like on the trees etc and roads are compact with snow and ice. with little sun tomorrow, we should still keep the snow adn with the low temperatures. brilliant. snow on wendesday maybe
  22. interesting, if gfs came off tonight for after xmas it would still be below average even with a pattern change, mildest temps would be no more than the average, then its back to colder conditions then mild southerlies! Anyway i don't care about fi its crap. cold now, then cooler, then average, then cold, then unseasonable mild from gfs. seriously come on.
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