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Steve C

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Everything posted by Steve C

  1. I think the stuff over Wales isn't relevant. It's the stuff south of Ireland currently that should be looked at. I've just looked at an animation of the NMM model to verify this.
  2. I think I'm going mad... I keep seeing 'Saturday' on my NMM posting where I'd expect to see 'Friday'...
  3. I wouldn't worry too much about the event anyway, as it's transitory. I know people have different likes, but I can't get any enthusiasm for the potential tonight and I'm already looking beyond it. Even if we had a reasonable snowfall, with a very small back edge of rain, it would all be a slushy mess by midday tomorrow. I think (and it's only my hunch) that we'll get more cold from about 7th to 10th February, after the disturbed period coming up.
  4. I'm wondering whether we'll get anything interesting from the changing weather - i.e. a winter storm? There must be a reasonable chance in the next couple of weeks. There's an interesting post in the model forum, from TEITS, re the cold spell of mid February 1979 - the model thread being much less fractious than it was 24 to 36 hours ago now. I too remember that spell well. We had constant heavy snow showers driven in by a very strong easterly wind on the Wednesday. Thursday and Friday my primary school was shut, as the village was cut off. So much for the myth that schools never shut back in the day! I'd also say that we've not had snowdrifts in my area, like those that happened then, since. Even 1987, which arguably (and it's a close call) had more snow, did not produce the same level of drifting here. All good memories!
  5. I see what you mean. I'll post something when it updates. I agree with you re NAE. It looks way OTT to me.
  6. Morning all. About -3C at work. There has obviously been freezing fog here in the night too, due to obvious rime, although the fog has cleared. There was a good one this morning, on the drive in, where some fool in front of me decided to drive through a very large puddle, rather than round the side of it (which he could easily have done) He then skidded off the road, due to hitting the sheet ice that was on the other side of the puddle. This ice undoubtedly there, for the most part, because of previous fools who had also driven through the same large puddle unnecessarily. Luckily for the chap this morning, he wasn't going fast and the run off wasn't into anything that would have seriously damaged his car. I wouldn't mind betting that someone has since crashed there though.
  7. You've got way more than here. I think the deepest we had was about 7cms. We just have large patches of snow now, in effect. One thing I'll be looking forward to about next week is turning down my heating. I think my bill for the last week or so must be pretty high.
  8. Just been on to the model thread. I don't know why I bothered. Too many egos. Too much sarcasm. A big ego might work to a degree on this site, but step away from it and spout your stuff in the real world, in the manner that it is spoken there and you'll just sound like a complete wally to almost everybody (I'd like to say worse really!) I think I'll just read Gibby's summaries in the meantime. They are enough analyses for me at the moment!
  9. Imho, I really don't think it's anything to get excited about. Certainly where I live, these events have been almost universally non descript in my memory. You might start seeing snow, which will possibly be heavy. Then you'll notice that the snow flakes are falling quickly, meaning it's turning sleety. Then it's time to await the next reload of cold... Only time will tell of course though.
  10. You guys seem to have done pretty well, way out west . The trouble with my area, is that although we had reasonable snowfall on Sunday and Monday was pretty decent too for temperatures, a thaw then set in on Tuesday and that's been the way since. Your temperatures of 2 or 3 degrees lower have made it quite a long lasting event. Until the next time!
  11. I'm not even thinking about it tbh. I think snow followed immediately by rain or thaw is just a pain in the backside.
  12. Morning all. An uneventful morning here, weatherwise. About 2C, so still the slow thaw goes on. I've given up on this spell now; maybe the 2nd week in February for the next cold possibility then?
  13. It feels a bit 'After the Lord Mayor's Show' here now, with gently thawing snow and only a snow to rain event (which I dislike) likely at the weekend and then no sign of any exciting weather in the reliable timeframe afterwards. It's also too early for me to think about the warmer days of Spring. Maybe it's a good time for me to stop watching the models? Maybe I'll look again on Monday. Oh and I'd give the winter about 25 so far, on Paul's scale above, so pretty good for this stage and it can only improve.
  14. Very light flurries here at the moment. The snow pack is now ruined here to be honest, after the reasonable thaw yesterday.
  15. Pretty miserable here currently, with the drip, drip, drip of a slow thaw. To be honest in 3 or 4 weeks I'll be seriously looking forward to Spring. It's not the cold, I just find the dark starts to become wearing and I'll be willing on the earlier sunrises and later sunsets.
  16. Probably painful for weather enthusiasts to watch (I didn't see it myself, as I was leaving work) but 95% of the general population wouldn't care less about a SSW, so likely not as cringeworthy as it might have appeared.
  17. Quite a reasonable thaw going on here. To be honest, for me, now it's started, the snow might as well be off. This temperature map implies that warmer air has moved into the east of the area to me.
  18. Morning all. About 0C here and cloudy. It feels like the cold spell is just waiting for its end here now. I guess the people in the west of the region may get something tonight though.
  19. Here are a few photos from my neck of the woods. I should really have gone out earlier, as I certainly wasn't making many fresh tracks! I'd guess we had 6 or 7 cms of snow here. Not dramatic, but better than anything I had between 1992 and 2008!
  20. I notice on the NAE that there's also a bit more expected for the east of East Anglia too (further north than me). I suspect this would be in the form of sleety showers
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