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Posts posted by ICETAB

  1. Light snow here.

    Just got a little bit excited after viewing the UKMO 12z. It shows colder air during the main front tomorrow and makes snow very likley if it came off. -5 uppers at miday tomorrow. Upgrade from this mornings run. The GFS model doesn't agree but chances of snow tomorrow have improved in my eyes.

    Edit: -5 uppers showing at more like 15:30 tomorrow, with heavy precip.

  2. Tonight and tomorrow is looking good for snow, a few miles from the coast

    to get you in the mood


    I wish I shared your enthusiasm. There is a clear mild sector showing on the models. It will defo turn to rain even a few miles away from the coast. The UKMO model mixes out the mild quicker than the rest so I'm hoping it's got a better handle on things. I suspect alot of western areas will see some light snow overnight, followed by heavy rain through tomorrow, after that there is a chance we might get more snow overnight into Tuesday morning.

  3. It is possible that all of the precipitation will fall as snow. If you get settling snow from the first band then the chances of the next front staying as snow increases. The ECM and UKMO models deal with the warm sector quicker. It looks like the warm air mixes out in the right time periods.

    Some people might get a nice supprise me thinks good.gif

    Fingers crossed!

  4. The ECM shows the Atlantic returning in the Medium-ish range! So the GFS is moving over to nothing.. that said, the GFS and UKMO now side, and ECM is on its own. I'd say the UKMO has been fairly constant.

    I can see snow occurring here, but it wil turn to rain.

    I am baffled by the GFS willingness to put extremely low temperatures in places where snow does not lie.

    I was referring to the link up between the Scandinavian and azores high pressure cells. That was showing on the 06z GFS when I posted. This did not occur on the earlier GFS run however it is the way ECM modelled things. ECM went on to sink the high pressure because of the energy flowing over the top. As it transpires, the GFS takes more energy underneath later on during the 06z run and we maintain the cold weather.

  5. Huh?

    Thought I was in the model thread when I posted! Came over here to see what was being discussed re western limit for snow. I'm in Northwich so I expect to see something Sunday into Monday, turning to rain Mon afternoon and then poss back to snow as the front clears. There also now looks like another front may affect western areas on Tuesday.

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