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Everything posted by Ruthie

  1. BB saw that storm going ne from here, it didnt give me anything in brentford.. Awwww. It didnt half go dark tho. Same now, dark skies to me west..
  2. For once I wanted it dry for tomorrow as have 12 mates over in garden for my birthday. Looks like we may get a light show and I don't need to use my fireworks!?? Lovey day isn't it, Have a good weekend all, am off shopping shortly to buy myself some birthday gifts!
  3. Proper deluge here in brentford! Left my tablecloth out too, aaaaargh.
  4. Thunder has stopped as far as I can tell. Rain is still heavy ish though. Just lost a few slates off the roof! Didnt half jump outta my skin when that landed on patio.
  5. yes, or the small owl I think it's referred to. There are a male and female here living in the park, think they live in the tree here, delightful creatures. The rumbles are getting louder and its not my tummy!!
  6. as soon as I posted this the rumbles started to intensify! Sun has come out aswell. And the fluffy owl outside is going nuts!!
  7. Am sure I can hear the odd rumble here. Hard to make out livings under the flight path. Looking on radar the storms/rain seem to be moving north of brentford. Still feeling a bit on the close side!! I think another night of cooking outside on the BBQ. Hope u all have a brilliant day..
  8. Hi all from west londres. We had one or two flashes and a few distant rumbles in the night, either that or it was the workmen drills, digging the road till 3am!
  9. Too hot to sleep and roadworks on London road brentford and relaying tarmac. So can't hear any potential thunder!! Sooo warm.
  10. Oh crikey bb, what a total nightmare... Sorry to hear. Hope the alarm shuts off soon, or battery runs out.It's feeling very close isn't it.
  11. hiya, yea ants are an issue for us here today, of the flying variety!! Was a stack of them on patio..
  12. am down road from u! I got thundered awake, but boyfriend still slept thru whole thing!! What a storm. Clearing beautifully here now, blue sky.
  13. Still hearing it here. What a wake up call !! More storms tonight and tomorrow morning then?
  14. Where r u in west London? I can near the thunder booming away. Was right overhead here in brentford at around 610am I would say.
  15. It's still rumbling away here.. Not as loud. Do have a banging headache though.
  16. Hi from west London. Helluva storm ! Woke up to some very loud bangs and lightning thru the curtains. Can't hear any planes going to heathrow just yet. Sky is green here. The rain was torrential for a short while but has eased now. There's me looking for Tuesday for storms!!
  17. Thunder and lightning here in brentford! Thunder is well loud. Bang goes Monday morning lie in on day off!! Raining too...
  18. Just back from the ealing festival. Was boiling hot for a time in the afternoon in direct sunlight, quite a few sweaty folks with not much on. but the evening was v pleasant, weather wise anyhow.. Not so hot inside tonight either. Good! Happy Monday folks!!
  19. Hi all sun has broke thru here in last hour or so...and I can feel it getting warmer.
  20. 0927am bbc news 24 nina ridge just said poss up to 34 on Monday in south east.
  21. Hi all bit murky here in brentford land. Went out to feel the washing and its not totally dry. Off to the ealing blues festival today, dr feelgood!! Hope sun comes out later for that..
  22. Good news is it? I watched one of those German cams a week or two ago wasnt it, amazing!
  23. Hi all from funky brentford isleworth borderlines. Much cooler today, enabled us to get some gardening done. When I say gardening, I mean picking up crispy leaves and hay type grass and sweeping up!! Saw the sun at brief interludes where it warmed up pleasantly, but the pesky clouds won't shift. Our house still feels like an oven inside! I think come Monday we will all be sleeping outside. Cheers all, just having a cava with nuts.
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