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Everything posted by Ruthie

  1. Thanks. It's just plugged in the living room and goes thru the wall outside. That description is a bit rubbish isn't it!! I will try that on sat, but going by the latest bbc news24 it's rain I will be watching, how nice! Or snizzle!!
  2. Omg! Think the pilots going to heathrow might mistake my garden as a landing strip!! Haa.
  3. Haa same here!! The one on main road is too far away for me to see and so I rely on the garden light coming on,,but means having to walk out to activate,,unless mr fox or mr badger walk past it!!
  4. I saw that on Facebook too! London and south east weather. Btw Surrey, love how huge your sig is!! Gonna make mine a bit bigger too..
  5. Time to stock up on wine, only have 40 bottles of it and one box of red. Haaa. Foggy here. And coldddd.
  6. 41 users on our regional. Word has got out yamkin is back!!
  7. Just been reading back on todays thread. You all make me chuckle! V mild here, soo boring. Just drab nothingness. Off for a large wine and a burger. Chars all!!
  8. Morning all. Not long up, as was up till gone 1am reading my new zombie book! Did wake up early and saw amazingly red sunrise! Have a good day all...
  9. HAPpy new hear !! Got home at 230am after a rocking night at a gig in hounslow. It was tipping down when we got home! Brilliant night, London did us proud with the firework display. Wow... We were all transfixed in the pub watching it. HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL!!
  10. Hi all se crew! V wet n windy here in brentford. Getting ready for friends to arrive at 6pm, doing champagne and canapés. Happy new year to you all, have a good un!!!
  11. Went out sales shopping to hounslow today. Had to get out as had taken root on my sofa! It is a bit breezy and cool here tonight. Was nice to see the moon though. Hello, I'm off till 3 jan, hurrah! Enjoy your break... Pray for no more rain. It's getting too much now isn't it, horrid.
  12. Raining heavy here now and so mild. Going to crack open some more fizzy stuff.
  13. Hammering down! Got really gusty for a moment there. Glad didn't leave the house today guys n gals.... Sofa is king...
  14. Just reading on twitter the fire brigade are pumping out a sub station near reading, as they say its under 2ft of water and they need to prevent it rising further. Peter Gibbs mentioned the land slide warning in his late forecast last night, I thought at the time how unusual to hear that in a forecast. Hope to god everyone stays safe down sw eng.
  15. We ve had some v dark skies here in west London. Heavy showers earlier, but no thunder. Just opened the champagne. Enjoy the day all!!
  16. Happy Xmas campers!! Had some heavy rain earlier, but I was still asleep. Have a great day all, waiting for my other half to get up .. Might have to drag him into living room!!
  17. Defo Xmas , I've eaten three chocolate balls in one go. Hope the rain clears, we are off to see a band tonight. Happy Xmas eve..
  18. A very happy Christmas Eve !! Was planning to take off my slippers and Xmas lights and elbow my way to the shops in Chiswick, but not sure I need a new dress that desperately!! Wet and windy here in the west. And very dark! Enjoy today all..
  19. Snow envy!! Mild mush here. Feels odd sat inside with Xmas lights and slippers on when its around 12degrees outside!!
  20. There was pushing and shoving going on at our supermarket. The queue for till was the worst, as we left a gap so as not to block the aisle so people could still get past. Woman behind us didn't leave a gap tho and just shoved her trolley right into my back. I wasn't best pleased! People do go a bit mad. I did buy some extra different types of nuts, prefer that to stockpiling bread and milk!!
  21. Just back from the food shop, it was total mayhem, like people shopping for end of the world! Alot of surface water and large puddles around the area and still raining although has eased in intensity..
  22. We ve got the joys of food shop to come today, if only I can get the other half outta bed!! It's v nasty weather, defo a day for staying in and making mince pies!!!
  23. There are actually midgie fly type things here in a cluster over the blackberry bush in the field!! Not seen that in December. Feels spring like today...
  24. Still a bit of fog lingering here. Flights going over to heathrow although not as many. Vv cold.
  25. Foggy here now. I know that because I can no longer see my weather forecasting stone!! Haa , sorry.
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