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Everything posted by UV-RAY

  1. Oh I'm sure we will, even though any such warming events have played out many times on Mother Earth. Still it reminds us all how much funding it needs to keep our climate scientists well fed.
  2. One has to believe that the science is indeed correct in order to be able to find the answer. Nothing I've read or seen convinces me that what we are seeing is all in the realms of natural variability, far, far too many variables that effect our climate to come up with a simple one theory is to blame for x=z scenario.
  3. I thought there was a problem with my iPad, I'm not sure if I like it at this moment in time but like anything new it takes time to adjust.
  4. I would say read all sites pro and anti, but take them at face value only as they are both manipulative and economical with truth.
  5. I think the second half of May could give us our first taste of Summer, hopefully this will extend into June and July although I'm not a lover of heat in August due to the higher humidity levels.
  6. I've crossed swords many times with Mason so any links from the SS I'll ignore completely as I'm still awaiting a reply from errors in his previous works I've corrected for him.
  7. Watch them fall more sharply over the coming days, remember snow can and does fall in April with temps of around 10c. It's when any showers come long they fall sharply. I would expect anywhere from the Midlands Northwards could see some wintriness.
  8. A big cool down looking at those Gavin, winter hasn't finished with us yet looking at those.
  9. Will be interesting to see which one is right, as a rule the GFS is good at picking up signals for Greenland blocking but after its woeful performance over the last few months I wouldn't back it just yet.
  10. The MetO published this a couple of months ago, my give them the chair comment was tongue in cheek BFTV. Damn ipad won't let me use smiley icons.
  11. I would give them the chair for crimes against real science, you know the one where you test the theory against real world observations and not manipulated corrupted data fed into a computer model. We still have a trend of flatlined temps for the last 15 years one fully endorsed by our own MetO, not one computer model forecasted such an event.
  12. It matters not what we wish for as the weather will do exactly what it likes.
  13. Well for that matter last summer arctic ice melt seems even less likely, Lol.
  14. If I remember correctly it was David Hathaway from NASA who made those bold predictions and like you say they was way off base. IMO solar output also contributed to the warming prior to this, we had long periods of a very active sun which would effect temps and weather patterns across the globe.
  15. The block over Greenland really is proving a nightmare for the models, each attempted breakdown keeps getting put further back. At some point we will see the Atlantic break through but my just how stubborn as this block been.
  16. I'm not anti science and yes science has taught us many wondrous things regarding the universe, but there remains so much we just can't explain.
  17. Point taken, I blame myself for clicking on the link, Lol.
  18. The part where he/she infers that only science has the answers. I sense an arrogant viewpoint and one who thinks anyone who questions the science is nothing more than a fruitcake.
  19. The law of physics says it will at some point, the charts that Gavin posted are what we need too see happening as we approach the reliable.
  20. Not the most reliable source of impartiality. These threads amuse me and shows those of us who find the subject a complete turn off why the science will never be settled, manipulative straw man arguments showing doctored data to suite ones own agenda.
  21. So by your own admission your a closed minded person.
  22. I'm not disputing evolution as such merely it's randomness at how life began, science still cannot explain this or find the missing link for that matter. I'm not deeply religious nor do I believe everything a scientist tells me, I keep an open mind on all things in life. Remember the human brain cannot comprehend all things we see , there are new discoveries made each and every day and what is theory today is old news tomorrow. Why is it that some find those who happen to believe in a god threatening, I suppose we live in a world where are told what we should think, watch and say and if we don't conform to that we get ridiculed and persecuted.
  23. Hence why I think creationism and evolution are one of the same, just that the origins of life needed a designer and find it difficult that all we see around us is purely down to randomness. Also I would like to clarify I'm not convinced that the bible has all the answers to how life started as there is so much contradictory stuff with regards to the beginnings of man.
  24. It could be that creationism and evolution are not that far apart really, as to believe in God doesn't make you sad nor bad. An open mind is something than can't be taught and there lies the problem for many.
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