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Everything posted by shuggee

  1. Was surprised to wake up to more snow this morning. Chunky ice welded to the car and a smattering on surfaces. Not a snow day though. Must record 28/01 as the twenty third air frost at 0.0C. Marv.
  2. 2.1/0°C and snow earlier. Then over last three hours temp has dropped slowly, ppn has fluctuated with everything but the kitchen sink and now 0.6/-1°C and it's light sleet. Grass has wet white splodges and garage roof is whiteish. This last burst that's pivoted around and headed NE out of D&G must be last chance saloon. Really couldn't be closer to marginal if it tried. Love the weather here!
  3. Currently 2.0/0°C. Marginal. And that blob over D&G is an hour away from me. Hmmmm.
  4. Snap. Although as it got down to -0.3C around 22:00 last night I am counting my twenty second air frost. There are no Met Office weather warnings...
  5. It's a faux snow forecasting feeding frenzy!
  6. I'll show you mine if you show me yours.... Just had to post:
  7. I was driving into this earlier. Shots taken by my neighbour Sarah:
  8. Lovely cold sunny weekend. Twenty first air frost at - 2.1°C. The tiniest smattering of snow amongst the frost out yesterday. Zoom in:
  9. Interesting read there Jo. You pose some interesting questions many of us have been asking for a while... Is anyone at Meto prepared to do an interview/write something justifying decisions and lessons learned etc. I wonder.
  10. Down to 1.6°C in the heavy sleet earlier. The analysis since Sunday in here nailed it correctly for me.
  11. Hairy drive home for me too. 50mph max on the A roads. Then coming down the hill after Mountain Cross +BANG+, something was catapulted onto the car roof from the roadside trees. Haven't been out with torch to check her over yet - but couldn't see anything immediately. Fingers crossed.....
  12. And mine for comparison: Been showing this consistently for a few days..... But looking at GFS there's a lot of heavy ppn within uppers no colder than -3°C until sunset then -4s and -5s reappear. Of interest at least!
  13. It's wet and wild out there. Blowing a hoolie after a snow day at 9am. Currently 4.7/4.0°C. Interesting week coming up...
  14. Yep - was pitch black. Hand held and I was out of breath climbing up the back garden. The phone requires you to stay still for about 4 seconds whilst it does its wizardry.
  15. Twentieth air frost at -1.4°C. Took a couple of shots using nightlight on my Pixel 3 last night. Seems to be a competent system.
  16. A 40mph drive into Edinburgh (well until everything went green down below Howgate and into Penicuik). Roads pretty bad, think we were caught out by the initial rain washing everything off the treated roads and then it turning to snow. Big crash on the A702 at the Red Barn/Melbourne. Meanwhile, the A701 really is turning into a gravel path with frequent big deep pot holes for mile after mile. 5cm in the end
  17. 4am 1.9°C and rain. Up at 6am and 0.4°C with massive snow flakes. 2-3cms now and waiting for light before driving into Edinburgh. Couldn't cope with a blizzard in headlights just now, so sat in waiting with a lovely cuppa. My first snow of the season. Lovely jubbly.
  18. Indeed. It's a genuine anything could happen situation. The predicted system is exiting a very fast jet stream to the left....
  19. It was heavy sleet and 1.5C above Penicuik at 7.30am. They stole it!!
  20. Disgusting weather. Going to be breezy this afternoon here in Edinburgh.... Looking ahead, is Sunday the first bringing of snow to the masses?
  21. Cloudy, grey, drizzly, mild. Rinse and repeat.
  22. Nineteenth air frost at -3.4°C. Just up above freezing at 12.35pm. Marv.
  23. Lol I genuinely didn't see that! Winter. Pffft.
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