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Polar Maritime

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Everything posted by Polar Maritime

  1. Looks like some of you guys could see some snow later over high ground
  2. A dry night with clear intervals and an overnight low of 5.4c. Currently; Dry and mostly clear with light winds. Temp 5.7c Wind S/W 6mph Rain since midnight 0.0mm
  3. A few light showers yesterday evening died out to leave a cloudy night with light winds, An overnight low of 6.4c. Currently; Damp with thin cloud clearing. Temp 7.9c Dp 7.3c Wind S/W 4mph Rain since midnight 0.0mm
  4. Sorry for the error this morning, and thanks TM for correcting me. Moving on, A dry day with clear blue sky's this morning, but patchy cloud developed this afternoon and the wind picked up a little. A max temp of 10.2c. Currently; Patchy cloud and breezy. Temp 10c Dp 8.3c Wind S/E 14mph Gusting 33mph at 4:19pm Rain since midnight 0.0mm
  5. Air Frost here and slight ground frost... Edit- no air frost only ground.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdV51YaGlnA ANOTHER X-FLARE: Consider it a parting shot. Just before sunspot AR1875 rotated over the sun's western limb on Oct. 29th, it unleashed a powerful X2-class solar flare. NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the explosion's extreme ultraviolet flash: http://www.spaceweather.com/
  7. Slight ground frost here, had to scrape the windscreen this morning, Heavy showers continued yesterday evening but slowly died out leaving 16.2mm of rain yesterday, before sky's cleared. An overnight low of 2.6c. Currently; A lovely Autumnal morning, with a crystal clear sky's. Temp 2.6c Dp 2.1c Wind South 0mph Rain since midnight 0mm EDITED after reading TM's post. Not cold enough last night for an air frost.
  8. SUNSPOTS MOST LIKELY TO FLARE: The sun is dotted with spots, and three of them pose a threat for strong eruptions. Today's sunspots most-likely-to-flare are circled in this Oct. 29th image of the sun from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory: AR1875, AR1882 and AR1875 have 'beta-gamma-delta' magnetic fields that harbor energy for X-class solar flares. One of these spots in particular, AR1882, is almost directly facing Earth, so any eruptions it unleashes would almost surely be geoeffective. NOAA forecasters estimate a 70% chance of M-class flares and a 35% chance of X-flares on Oct. 29th. http://www.spaceweather.com/
  9. High Solar Activity continues, the Sunspot count is now at 206. There are many active regions which are Earth facing, with new regions also forming. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufEEMD1TaFw And from this morning.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqeBCvgRK3A
  10. A cloudy night, with Moderate rain starting around 4am with light winds, An overnight of 7.7c. Currently; Moderate rain, light winds. Temp 7.9c Wind W/N/W 8mph Pressure 979mB falling Rain since midnight 3.9mm
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZzwyRbVvZc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bR2agZLLxUc&feature=youtu.be
  12. Yes Mod rain here to for the last hour or so, 3.8mm so far, Pressure 979 mB and falling, N/W 7mph...
  13. No, not where the warnings are in place. Best listen to the experts as far more knowledge and data..
  14. A cloudy night with a few clear patches and light showers during the early's, An overnight low of 7.6c. Currently; A few light showers, mostly cloudy with the sun beaming through at times and blustery. Temp 9.5c Wind S/S/W18mph Gusting 34mph at 5:07am Rain since midnight 1.1mm
  15. Matt on BBCnews just said he's just had meeting with Chief Forecaster and no change from 24hrs ago with track of storm.
  16. It's not happened yet ! All still on as forecast this morning. Just maybe not the extreme version, who knows, plenty of time yet for more flipflop's in the charts Read all the warnings and forecasts and take note of RJS, not one model run for now.
  17. Im pretty sure it would dropped to -30c at some point in the past in the highlands, I've withstood -38c wind chill on Ben Nevis, that was pretty cool...
  18. Thanks for that TM ! Hopefully this storm will produce something eventful for these parts...
  19. A cloudy breezy night with the odd light shower, an overnight low of 11c. Currently; Overcast, with light rain. Temp 11.7c Wind S/S/W 12mph Gusting 28mph at 12:14am Rain since midnight 1.8mm
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