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Everything posted by Poots

  1. I take it all back, it's worse again. Sleet hammering off the windows now and the gusts are stronger than they have been in the last hour. Lights are flickering good style.
  2. It's getting a bit calmer here. 3c at the moment and still some squally showers hitting the window. Had quite a healthy sleet shower about 5.30ish, you can certainly feel the temperature drop.
  3. Holy moly, it's just got much worse here in the last few minutes. Hardly any rest between gusts, lights are flickering good style, I'm surprised we still have power!
  4. They shield us from the north, so that's always bonus. It's just the bits of branches flying around which I don't like, and I feel extremely sorry for my spring planted cherry tree which is looking very sad almost bent double. I thought it might survive long enough to even get one crop...!
  5. It's gone very, very dark here now and the lights are flickering. Currently waiting on Mr Poots coming home from Embra, this is when I hate being surrounded by trees
  6. Pressure currently 969.0 here, gusts are becoming bigger each time. It's getting a bit more real now!
  7. It's down to 6c here now and the gusts are starting to pick up again. Just had a really heavy shower but it's a bit brighter again.
  8. Apparently a double decker bus has tipped over on Dalry Road. Please stay safe everyone!
  9. Hi Frew, welcome :-) The house is starting to creak in the gusts now, sky keeps freezing, lights are flickering.
  10. Temp is still 8c but the pressure has just dropped to 969.5 in the space of 20 mins. Border schools are all scheduled to close at 12.15pm and some of our school buses didn't run this morning. Heavy rain again, dark and gusty. I'll be gutted if I lose my internet connection!
  11. 8c here at the moment and the gust are getting stronger. It's dark, raining and miserable but the pressure has risen ever so slightly?
  12. Borders schools will close at lunchtime tomorrow. They were already sending out a warning text at 3.30pm this afternoon, have to say I was quite impressed with their efficiency! Very calm here at the moment, almost eerie when you think of what is going to hit us tomorrow....
  13. 3c here, snaw all gone after really heavy rain last night. Very windy too!
  14. 1.6c and raining here. Sky looks promising.....
  15. Looking not bad for me too! Sun has gone here also, and it's getting very dull. Currently 2c.
  16. It's hovering around 0c here at the moment. All the snow iced up over night, pavements are a joke and the road isn't much better! Lovely blue skies and sun, picture postcard stuff.....for the time being.
  17. 1c here, snowing heavily. Lovely orange sky and huge flakes
  18. Morning, a fairly decent covering fell overnight, would say about an inch without having been outside yet. Temp is currently 0c with just a slight breeze. At last!
  19. Just a fleeting bit of very wet snow there. Oh, hang on, more now, it's quite heavy. 1c here currently.
  20. A mild 12c here, very windy and very dull. Rain has just started so looks like the start of a bleak afternoon.
  21. It's a frosty -3.7c here at the moment. Good ground frost and like most, yesterday, the frost didn't shift in some patches. Heating will be on today I think. Brrrr!
  22. It reached 18.4c here at one point.......there were days in August I was praying for a temperature like that!
  23. 11c here this morning, compared to yesterday, it's tropical. Baking in the central heating which has been turned up this last couple of days, turned down again Looks like it's a bit of a dreich weekend coming up...
  24. Visable frost here this morning. Currently -1c, no wind and pressure hovering around 1009. Brrr.
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