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Everything posted by Poots

  1. Hello to the new members 4c here, still sunny, still blawy, still nae snaw!! Road trip to Inverness?!
  2. Not a hint of any snaw here! Seen more sun this morning than I've seen in the last 3 weeks. It's very fresh outside though, and the wind is blawing steadily.
  3. Just back in from a cobweb blowing walk, it's still 7c here, but feels more like 0c in the wind. We had sunny intervals this morning, but now it's getting dull and dark. Hopefully I might see a flake or two later tonight/tomorrow morning. All the best to you all for 2012!
  4. Health and happiness to you all in 2012. Happy New Year! 11c here (still) and raining, pressure dropping, wind rising.
  5. 11c here, hardly any wind (last reading 0.9 mph) but very dull and pressure is dropping. I'm in for the night, too auld now for trooping around toon and standing in packed pubs. But, for those who are out and about, stay safe!
  6. Great reading (and learning, for me), thanks SS et all. Temp is rising here still, surely not to double digits again, please??? And, yet more high winds on the cards tomorrow night and Tuesday. Glad I'm not venturing into Embra tomorrow night!!
  7. Temp is on the rise now 4c after a bleak, horrid day with nae snaw!!
  8. 3c here and raining quite steadily. Feels cold out, doubt we'll see any white stuff at this level, but the top of the hills will probably get a dusting. Wonder if we'll ever see the sun again....it's so dark here again today!
  9. It's not nice here either, nearly dark already, blowing a hoolie and lights flickering on and off. Sky keeps freezing and I'm positive I saw a flash of lightening about an hour ago. 5.2c, windchill 0.7c, gusting a maximum 55mph.
  10. The light has gone here, it's so dark. Still 5c and the wind has calmed ever so slightly after some meaty big gusts this morning. Waiting safe indoors for the next surge.
  11. Currently 5.6c here and pressure is 987 hPB, wind chill is 1.7c, gust max 49mph at the moment.
  12. Still 8.9c here, SWW breeze, but very calm. No need for us to tie stuff down, it's still done from the last time. Don't see the point in putting everything back out if this is going to keep happening. Looks like it's going to be another interesting day here tomorrow, but I'd like to see the back of these gales now and have some of the white stuff.
  13. Merry Christmas to the kilted folks! :smiliz19: Starting to get a bit wild here again after a spell of calmer winds earlier. It's incredibly dull as well, feels more like it's 4pm, still 12.3c though and gusts are hitting the 40/45mph mark now. My ws is quite sheltered, so I'm guessing around 50ish atm in more exposed areas. Stay safe, everyone.
  14. Nice to see it's not just us then! I have windows open in the house today, it's 11c and, only 5 days ago we were under 4 inches of snow. It's dark and dull here, no sign of sun, but quite a brisk breeze as well, and damp. Oh so damp. Bleugh.
  15. 4c here at the moment, dark, miserable and very wet. Still got the odd clump of the white stuff here and there.
  16. The light has gone really funny here just in the last 5 minuites and the lights are flickering.....is there anything on the way???
  17. Morning. Currently 1c here, very dull and already had some rain. Still have our snow cover though, but doubt it's going to last the day at this rate.
  18. Thanks for adding me to the map, great idea! Temp is starting to fall now, we are below freezing. Still a decent covering here, albeit frozen solid, should hold onto it for a few days yet.
  19. 1c here now, small bit of melt, but the volume is still much the same here. Looking for a little extra tonight/tomorrow! The roads are going to be lethal if it freezes though
  20. Morning, about 3 inches here overnight and it's still falling. Downside is I have to tackle the road in a bit, hopefully the ploughs have been out!
  21. 1c here, blawing a hoolie and keeps going from rain to sleet to snow and back again. It's bitter standing in the wind, not long back in and was I glad the heating had clicked on before I got home! Pressure is currently sitting at 956 here as well. Stay safe folks!
  22. Currently 5c here. Four seasons in 10 minutes sort of day here. We had very wet sleet here about an hour ago, now the sun is splitting the sky. Feels quite raw outside though, fairly still at the moment. My laugh of the day was also the MetO warnings
  23. Peebles snowshield well in place, not even a snifter of the white stuff. Only some vile, greyish sleet on the very bottom of the car windscreen this morning. Roads were a tad slippery though!
  24. We're still getting some beefy gusts. Good luck Cheggers and Mrs Cheggers, a night to remember indeed!
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