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Bishop Brennan

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Posts posted by Bishop Brennan

  1. Good grief, the charts for next week are something to behold right now! Our hottest spell since July 2006 *might* be on the cards.


    Personally I'm not a huge fan of excessive heat (25°C and above is where I start seriously wilting), but chuck in some decent thunderstorm potential and I might be persuaded.



  2. Matt Hugo tweeted earlier that the last 18hrs have been one big forecasting failure, not least the position of the band of heavy rain currently stretching across the country - this was previously expected to be much further South.


  3. It's still predominantly cloudy here, although it's trying to brighten up. Current temp is 18.1°C


    I suspect most the fun and games will be to the south and west of here today, but fingers crossed nonetheless.



  4. It's an odd looking forecast for the next few days, isn't it? More warmth tomorrow, lots of rain later on and into Saturday, genuinely chilly by Sunday before a return to warm and settled conditions next week.



  5. An amazing low of just 1.7C here last night with a touch of grass frost. In 12 years we have never had so many chilly June nights.


    Good grief that is extraordinary. We got down to 6.6°C here last night, although a few nights ago we fell as low as 4.3°C


    Currently 14.4°C and very sunny.



  6. Quite a bit of stormy activity to our south and east right now. Looks like it has missed most of our region, however :(


    Currently 18.7°C and partly cloudy.



  7. If the charts verify, we could indeed see some impressive extremes next week. Cold, wet and windy at the start then hot, humid, and potentially stormy by the end.

    I can't stand excessive humidity normally, but it's a price worth paying if it means we see some decent thundery activity.


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