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Everything posted by Grinzzz

  1. Milton Keynes 12:00 T=4 dp=3.5 14:00 T=3.3 dp=2.4 15:00 T=3.1 dp=2.2 16:00 T=2.1 dp=1.3
  2. If I'm reading the radar right the centre of the low is still heading northeast but has slowed considerably in the last hour or two.
  3. still going here, amazing how a couple of miles can make all the difference
  4. Temps have fallen over the last hour, down to 1C now from 2C earlier.
  5. always smells a bit "metallic" before snow to me. Good luck with the delivery!
  6. It's started to settle here, on the grass at least. I'd post a photo if i knew how!
  7. Starting to fall faster now, flakes are much larger and less soggy. blimey, starting to get some two 50p's stuck together sized flakes!
  8. Whaddon, our field is where the radio transmitters were situated during WWII
  9. Just off the A421 between MK and Buckingham. Sat on a rise locally known as windy ridge for good reason!
  10. Nope, ground far too soggy and temps a bit too warm at the moment. Doubt i'll see any settle today but one can hope! Does that mean I'm in the wrong place too? Ours is at 12 days, 15 if I count the huge drift that fell off the garage roof!
  11. Large soggy flakes falling here, started very slowly about an hour ago but falling slowly but steadily now
  12. No sign of any overnight snow here whatsoever Looks like it was a total rain event here. Oh well, time to start looking for the next one!
  13. It better not upset the trains tonight! Looks to be coming in a little faster than shown on this mornings forecasts; into Carlisle now
  14. The "Return of the Blob" now showing in the south east of the region on a radar display near you!
  15. Could be a couple of reasons. The first is that the cloud it's coming from could be low enough that there no line of sight to the radar station. The other, and probably more likely today, is that the precipitation is so small that it's not providing enough of a radar return to register. It's a function of precipitation reflectivity and distance ie the smaller the size the closer it has to be to the radar set to register. Hope that helps - if you want to read more this may be of interest http://badc.nerc.ac....factsheet15.pdf - it's pretty good, not too many white lies (aka simplifications) going on in it to bother most people (apart from the bit about doppler radar - it's not how doppler works).
  16. not certain but I don't think MK got much today, according to the wifelet anyway. Quite a few good showers in Aylesbury town centre; I even got to see some properly sized flakes ie not fun sized.
  17. which bit of Aylesbury? Certainly not the view I had from the window up till an hour or so ago! Nothing sticking but plenty falling at times in the town centre.
  18. Some real flakes just fell in Aylesbury, none of these tiny grains we've been having. Only lasted a few minutes though
  19. I'm probably talking rubbish (since I've only been looking at the charts for a few weeks) but the latest GFS run is quite a bit different than previous ones in the earlier frames....I wonder
  20. Last week I was standing outside looking at the trees when I noticed the power cables were starting to bend under the weight of just the frost. Decided to order a generator as we've a bit of a history of power cuts. Supposed to be delivered last friday but didnt make it due to the snow. Still waiting for it to be delivered. Power cuts have now started - ho hum.
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