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Everything posted by cheese

  1. Christmas trips to Lapland aren't uncommon either, certainly something I've considered before
  2. I’ve noticed winter holidays abroad becoming more common in recent years. Lots of people I’ve spoken to are going to the Mediterranean in November/December.
  3. It’s human nature to dislike cold and darkness so the moaning is understandable. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone in real life who likes the darker evenings but they’re a dime a dozen on here
  4. It happens in Shetland most years and happens in Orkney occasionally. That's probably it though (excluding mountains).
  5. The Californian coast is probably close to ideal. Take San Diego - average high of 25.2C in August, average low of 9.9C in December. Northern Italy can get quite chilly in the winter - Venice has colder winters than London.
  6. Kinda funny really, because in the US the really hot cities like Houston, Miami and Phoenix were very small places before the invention of air conditioning - nobody wanted to live in the south before then. I would say that tropical climates are some of the worst for modern humans & modern lifestyles, but probably the best for hunter-gatherers.
  7. Just over 2 months until the days start getting longer again
  8. I much prefer frost to rain. Rain sucks. Unless it's a thunderstorm.
  9. We have 4 days in a row with a yellow rain warning
  10. 2013 was one of my favourite years for weather actually because we had a cold, snowy winter followed by that hot July. It was an uncharacteristically continental year for the UK. Winter 2012/13 was the snowiest I’ve ever experienced here with multiple big snowfalls between January and March. I enjoyed it. April 2013 was chilly but it was sunny & dry at least. Much better than April 2012 which was cold, wet and dull - the evil trifecta. I would prefer an April like 2020 though…
  11. Tbf even a hot summer in England will be cool if you’re coming from somewhere like Madrid or Seville.
  12. I wonder if Spain has a TV show called ‘A Place in the P1ss1ng Rain’
  13. Not surprising considering the millions of Brits who live in Australia & Spain. Very few people are moving to the UK for the weather lol
  14. Yeah, I mostly just meant heat and sun together rather than sunshine in general.
  15. 2nd wettest month of the year here, after August. However October still only gets 56.7mm of rain on average here. In most of England there is very little variation in rainfall throughout the year, so ‘wettest month’ is very much relative…
  16. I’ve noticed that a lot recently. You can’t declare your dislike of cool, wet or cloudy weather without being immediately jumped on by the same group of users. Very strange.
  17. The past couple of days have been lovely - exactly what autumn should be. Just a shame to see these sunny, crisp days replaced with boring Atlantic dross. Maybe if we’re lucky we’ll get another sunny winter like last year.
  18. You’re quite right. I’m not obliged to like it though. I’ve made it perfectly clear already that I don’t like autumn in the UK.
  19. Well I'm not entirely sure where the confusion has come from, but okay - nice chatting with you either way.
  20. So if there were no heatwaves at all next year, you wouldn't be happy or relieved? Really?
  21. Exactly, and if we had an entire year with no heat or sun at all I would expect you to be very happy indeed. Just because we're weather enthusiasts doesn't mean we have to enjoy or even appreciate every kind of weather. I would be thrilled if we went the entire winter without any gales for example - they might be interesting but I still hate them.
  22. If you find all types of weather interesting then that's fine. 2 weeks of rain and drizzle doesn't get my juices flowing though!
  23. And endless rain isn't something I find interesting. There is nothing interesting about a forecast like this. Not only is it boring but it's not usable either. It's the worst of both worlds.
  24. Most people don’t like rain when it lasts for days mate. I don’t think you’re going to convince anyone to appreciate that lol
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