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Everything posted by cheese

  1. Ah, come on Nick - it's all related to the upcoming winter. I think mods should back away from the 'no off topic posts ever' stance. That being said, feel free to move to the autumn thread as I find it an interesting topic. I said England - more specifically low-land England, where the vast majority of people live. Most places in low-land England actually average less than 1 day of snow falling in November, and certainly less than 1 day with snow on the ground.
  2. We had both in 2013, but it was transient and slushy. Funnily enough, it was our only lying snow for the 'winter'. It occurred overnight though so wouldn't count as a snow lying day using Met Office guidelines.
  3. Most Novembers have no snow for most places in England. Here, we average about 1-2 days of falling snow, but lying snow only occurs every few years. Certainly shouldn't expect much, or anything.
  4. 70F in winter would actually be a cool achievement.
  5. Yeah.. I've always liked the short winter days and long summer days.. it's a nice contrast. I'd hate to live in a place where daylight is equal all year or barely changes at all. Would also hate to live in Australia, climate wise, where the is less seasonal variation. Too sunny and warm as well. You appreciate any warmth a lot more when you are deprived of it for a certain amount of time.. I'd get real bored of Sydney's climate.
  6. 12.6C, mostly clear and breezy. Max was 17C - a day of sunny intervals after very heavy rain this morning (12mm in total).
  7. Wow, a min of 17C according to weatheronline on Tuesday.. we don't even get lows that high every year in July or August.
  8. I'd prefer our normal February weather in November. Then in December-Feb I'd prefer Stockholm. Winter can linger into early March but I'd prefer the snow to melt by the 15th at least. Then for April-October I like our climate, but more thunderstorms and a bit sunnier.
  9. Average high in November here is 10C so only 5C above average and equal to 5C in the opposite direction. Considering it reached 17C in Nov 2010..
  10. No offence Costa but you need to stop pestering people about being antisocial. It's very rude.
  11. It's still shining remarkably. Only 15C so nothing exceptional. Quite gusty.
  12. There was actually a yellow glow on the western horizon after the sun set.. now we have clear spells.
  13. 7 consecutive days without sunshine.. can we make 8, 9 or even 10?
  14. Except for you and Thunderbolt, I have genuinely never met another living soul who professes to enjoy damp, sunless weather. This recent spell of weather is what gives our climate its dreary and depressing reputation, and why 700,000 Brits call Spain home..Seriously - I use an international weather forum and our climate is without a doubt the most unpopular around. It's quite possibly the dullest place in the world that is significantly populated. Even hot weather lovers would rather spend a winter in Boston US than Boston UK. Nothing beautiful about it mate. You're in the minority here. Oh; and we are on our 7th consecutive sunless day - so this weather isn't normal at all. It's not normal to go 7 days without seeing the sun.
  15. Jan and Mar 2013 were very cloudy but the snow brightened it up as you say. I liked it.
  16. In fairness, the 2.3 hours was on one day, and that one day was actually reasonably pleasant and reached 19C. But other than that, rubbish. Here's the sunshine levels for Leeming over the past 10 days.. well, it shows 9, but today registered 0 hours of sun, so 10 applies (on ogimet.com the sunshine for the previous day doesn't appear until 6am - but you can check sunshine hour by hour on weathercast.co.uk). Admittedly it's not that close, but I can personally vouch for there being no sun at all since the 30th of October. It ain't unprecedented, but nevertheless it's vile and depressing, and fairly unusual.
  17. Looking at the forecast, it's likely to be 7 or 8 consecutive sunless days - today was completely sunless so that's 6 in a row. And like I said, 10 sunless days over the past 30 days - and just 2.3 hours for the past 10 days. It's very cloudy. November 2012 was cloudy here, with about 56 hours, but even that didn't manage 6 consecutive days without sun. November 2010 was close to average with 73 hours and 6 sunless days, but only 3 in a row. November 2009 was below average with 63 hours but only 2 sunless days, about 2 weeks apart. November 2008 was the same as 2010, 73 hours, 6 sunless days, 3 in a row. So it's not 'normal'.
  18. That's fair enough jethro - maybe those particular years were quite cloudy. We certainly do get long sunless periods occasionally, like all of the UK, but my point is that a week without any sun is the exception to the rule, as most years won't have that kind of weather, and when we do get a week without sun, it's certainly worthy of comment, and people will remark about how cloudy it has been. Most long dull stretches will typical have some sunshine, even if it's just an hour or so. An hour isn't much but it's a lot better than 0. Even half an hour would be appreciated. Like I said, 28 years around here and this is one of the cloudier spells of weather I recall. November 2011 was very cloudy too though.
  19. You are falling victim to a common ailment that plagues so many members of the general public, jethro, and that's selective memory. This is why I never take anyone's word for anything - because they only remember what they want. Having lived in the area for 28 years, I can assure you that a week-long sunless stretch is not normal.. ever. 5 years isn't long enough to gauge the climate of an area in any case. Don't get me wrong - it's probably one of the foggiest areas of the country - but you can often expect it to clear eventually, even at this time of year.
  20. It isn't standard November weather to go 5 - soon to be 6 - consecutive days without a single ray of sunshine. I have no idea why people seem to be under the impression that weeks of sunless weather and grey-laden skies is somehow typical of our climate when it's not. November is nearly as sunny as March in % terms - keep that in mind. Only difference is shorter day length. I repeat, a week of completely sunless weather is not normal. Here is November 2013 at Church Fenton to give you an indication of what a typical November should look like: http://www.ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang=en&ind=03355&ndays=30&ano=2013&mes=11&day=30&hora=23&ord=REV&Send=Send 4 sunless days in total, none of them one after the other - and plenty of other days with sunshine, and some lovely frosty mornings. That's normal. I enjoyed that month a lot. Conversely, this November has 0 hours of sun, and the past 30 days have had 10 sunless days - which is very high for any time of year - no frost, no sunny mornings, and just downright miserable. This is the worst weather - perhaps only bested by 2C and drizzle.
  21. Leeming in N Yorkshire has had 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds of sunshine for the past 5 days - and only 2.3 hours for the past 10 days. I am going stir crazy here!!!!!!
  22. I had no idea it left - the weather today is virtually identical to the past week, but with the addition of light rain. I need sunshine asap. Getting sick of the weather in this country. Hate it with a burning passion. I give my respect to people on the MOD thread giving such insightful detail for what is essentially the most boring outlook for anywhere in the world - I certainly don't have that dedication, and have no interest at all in what the models show until something interesting appears.
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