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Everything posted by cheese

  1. You can't polish a turd Scott. The weather's vile whichever way you look at it. Never met anyone who enjoys it.
  2. I'll take the howling winds if it's sunny too.
  3. You can always go on Wunderground to find your nearest amateur station, or if you have a Met station nearby, use that. Amateur stations are of varying accuracy, but some are reliable and often highly accurate. The ones you need to watch out for are those that post highs of 34C when everywhere else is 24C.
  4. I like living where I do, regardless of the climate - I certainly don't want to move to Austria or Germany, however nice they are. Their climates are poor substitutes in any case, as my real climate heaven lies in New England or the Baltic states. Western Germany is basically the UK but slightly more continental. It's all boring oceanic.
  5. The German Markets are the best part! Most of the sellers at our German Market are German, selling authentic German food. No rubbish fake snow either thankfully. It has to be said though that the climate here, while not ideal, isn't the worst in the world - I'd certainly prefer our climate to anywhere in the Med, where it's sunny and warm nearly all year.. how boring. At least we have four seasons - even if they are not as pronounced as some other places. Above user is also correct - somewhere like Perth looks very boring, or most of Australia - some good storms but nothing else I'd like. Plus winters in most of Europe are not very good - usually slushy, or cold rain, and exceptionally dull - much duller than the UK. It isn't until you get to eastern Poland that things become good. Heck, I've talked to people from places like Philadelphia who actually envy our climate because it's stable and is mild enough to grow a larger variety of tropical plant species. and isn't overbearingly hot in summer. Depends on your preferences. Anyway, better get back on topic before Nick L comes in to punish us..
  6. We may get variable weather at times, but it's always extremely moderated. We get snow - but rarely a lot. We get rain - but usually light. We get thunderstorms - but rarely powerful. Even our - arguably - most severe weather feature, wind, isn't that notable by global standards. Plus, variable weather works against us - because most of us here either want hot summers or cold winters, not a mix of cool and hot weather in summer or mild and cold weather in winter. I want summer to always be warm, never cool, and I want winter to always be cold, never mild. Save the variable weather for the shoulder seasons. If you want to see a truly variable climate, go to New England - they have highs in the 70s F this week, but about a week ago had lows of 19F, and will have highs of 49F in about 2-3 days time. They also have spectacular fall foliage and plenty of sunshine to enjoy it. It makes our climate look lame.
  7. Didn't think a small area of Wales having record warmth would have much impact on the CET zone..
  8. I don't mind it - it feels appropriate for November - but sunshine is always preferable. Of course, snow on the ground would be a huge improvement either way.
  9. Useless. They were showing colder wearher about a month ago.
  10. Indeed, coldest max since early May and the first day that genuinely felt cold..
  11. I knew there was a warm, sunny day up there somewhere.. just need to build a 200 metre building.
  12. Notice how the cold is kind of approaching from a NW quadrant on the charts frosty posted.. maybe the anomalously cool Atlantic having an influence.
  13. Reached 18C today, but the fog returned and it's now 12C.
  14. 33C on 1 July. Thunderstorms on 22 August. That's it. Not a bad year though. July and May were disappointing but the other months were fine - and sunnier than normal. August my favourite this year - sunnier and slightly warmer than normal. Above average rain due to thunderstorms. The North south divide was in reverse.
  15. Goes against nearly everything I've seen so far which has pointed towards a slightly cooler than average winter for NW Europe.
  16. That's really strange! Met were wrong.. they went for cloudy skies.. it turned out sunny.
  17. Met Office likely underestimating as per usual.
  18. Fine. 2012/2013 was a very snowy winter - I hope similar charts appear soon! I am so sick of this dreary rubbish.
  19. Even sunsets of around 10:30pm would be useless as far as I'm concerned - very annoying when you're trying to sleep. This is particularly acute as a child.
  20. We must have had about 80cm in total for 2012/2013 - but that's just my amateur measuring. Was very snow regardless.
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