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Everything posted by smithyweather

  1. Idk but i've recorded a frost in the summer (nearly quite often but one day in june 2012) so probably.Castlederg records 1c in june very often.http://www.tutiempo.net/en/Climate/CASTLEDERG/06-2009/39040.htmhttp://www.tutiempo.net/en/Climate/CASTLEDERG/06-2011/39040.htmhttp://www.tutiempo.net/en/Climate/CASTLEDERG/06-2012/39040.htmhttp://www.ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang=en&state=United+K&osum=no&fmt=html&ord=REV&ano=2012&mes=06&day=18&hora=18&ndays=1&Send=send
  2. How would frost be limited to high ground! I've had frorst with plus 7 uppers before!!!
  3. Oh good -4c uppers. Lets hope it verifies so we can get our first frosts and snow. I would like a swift,fast transition to winter.
  4. This is good because I want some frost and SUNSHINE. I hope this verifies as above and is a proper cold spell.
  5. I can't believe how quick the snow covers Russia and how it actually lasts! In British isles when we get our first snow it melts the next day.
  6. Well I just said that. But I do know that it was 4c max in October 2008.It doesn't snow here every October every few years. But it does be frosty here most Octobers. So yea I would be right.
  7. The good thing is that we are finally seeing signs of a breakdown. Where as a few weeks ago there were no signs of this.
  8. This may feel cool but it is just average here. Would that produce snow though at low level?
  9. But is it possible to actually be cold in November like subzero highs and snow lasting weeks? I don't know..
  10. I know your man over there is now saying the high pressure will bring sunshine to all areas of the country. Hmph as if..
  11. Could someone please explain how this awful warm weather is beneficial to a cold winter for MY AREA not russia?? Thank you. I cannot see it suddenly cooling down.
  12. In what way? Do you mean in a 2010 style? I.e warm and suddenly get very cold?
  13. Thinking your living in the wrong location anyway. A member on another weather forum tells me about how your city has tropical trees and how it is possible not to snow for upto three whole years and yes that includes wet snow!
  14. Ahh yes we had snow then too,.. Here are some years that I have seen snow in October. 2011 2010 2008 2004 So every few years.
  15. We don't need them to be cold to get snow in October. I get snow in October quite often and it usually comes from Iceland/Greenland direction.
  16. Well it has to change at some point. I would love it to come around the 20th and then that be the start of something COLD lasting to APRIL! I hope to see my first frost soon as usually it comes about October 12th. Did not realise but in 2011 and 2010 I had my first snow in October so first snow in October is not actually all that rare.
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