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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. Right well had a very loud bang in T. Wells earlier this afternoon, but no rain or fruther rumblings. Then got caught in a deluge at about 5pm. There are some serious bad boy thunderclouds on the horiszon, which I think are moving in this direction. Come on storm, you are long overdue!
  2. Well the torrential rain last night seemed to be desperately missing its buddy - lightening, but was still lovely to lie in bed and listen to it. Considering our chances were better yesterday and we got nothing, I am pessimistic about getting anything today. Best wishes to all of you affected by the flooding.
  3. Despite me really wanting some long periods of sun now, it was lovely to wake up to the sound of rain. No storms last night.
  4. I think my mood today could spontaneously produce some thunder! Nothing happening over this way as usual, it is very humid out there, but no storms in the weather as far as I can see.
  5. Proper Brummie accent in that video! Nothing but a beautiful sunny dy here. Can't believe it the first anniversary of El Gordo. Hope all of you affected by flooding stay safe and as little damage as possible is done.
  6. I havent been able to log in for the last couple of days for some reason. Ive had a quick catch up but am a bit confused as there seems to be a bit of conflict. Are the storms most likely in central england or the whole of england? Also wuen is this supposed to be kicking off?
  7. See it looks like a sorm is a-brewing, but I don't think we're forecast for any/slim chance.
  8. Same absolutely amazing clouds out there, but no sign of a storm.
  9. Well has been lovely and sunny all day with some convec tive clouds, but absolutely no rain or storms, or even really the suggestion of any. Meanwhile in Donetsk, the football has been called off due to torrential rain and lightening, just kicked off again.
  10. And still the rain goes on...... Stay safe to those of you affected by the flooding and I hope you get the best possible outcome to all of this. The sun really needs to come out and Summer needs to arrive.
  11. Turned out pretty OK yesterday in the end, clear skies but a little chilly. Nice dry BBQ was had by all.
  12. I don't want to jink it but *whispers* the sun keeps breaking through the clouds. *whispers*
  13. Latest Countryfile forecast says dry and sunny spells inbetween cloud fr tomorrow here.
  14. Thanks! The OH came in earlier and said the weather looks to be nicer in the afternoon. I told him to be quiet so the weather gods couldn't hear him and jinx it. He gave me a very strange look.
  15. Please let me have some surprise sun tomorrow afternoon. Got a big BBQ planned.
  16. Normally I wouldn't wish heavy rain and thunderstorms away but we are having a big BBQ Monday and it is forecast to rain all day, so you can have my share Storm Starved people.
  17. In regards to there being less storms. I dont have official data or anything, but the storm diaries I kept as a child from 1993 to 2007 show a considerable drop in not only the number but intensity of storms. That decline seemed to happen quite obviously from aboit 1999.
  18. Love the picture in the opening post Coast! It seems we have about a 60% storm risk over the weekend here. The weather looks poor for the BBQ on Monday, not a happy bunny.
  19. Also HOLY POOP at Rochester high street! I have never seen it like that in all the years I have lived there! That storm dropped 22mm here and flatted all my plants.
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