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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. Only -2 here, but feels about -7. The air outside is so icy it's painful.
  2. The fog is really coming down now! Very cold and the roads are slippy too.
  3. I will be keeping my cynical hate on as usual. I fell victim to much ramping last year. I will be more optimistic 48 hours out maybe.
  4. Yep, wasn't it one of those bad boys that made the epic snowfall at the beginning and end of 2010?
  5. Am I the only one who has absolutely no idea what's going on in the model thread? Weather Models for Dummies for Xmas please!
  6. The drive to work will be picturesque. Lots of countryside and oldy worldy villages, which look just beautiful in the snow. Now if only it could chuck it doen with snow in xmas week that would be amazing.
  7. How much is likely to settle because I HAVE to go to work today? Can snow all it likes when I get back!
  8. My thoughts exactly the snowfall at the beginning and the end of the year was fabulous. I didn't get bored of it either! Now if only the snow gods could arrange for it to snow in xmas week, which I have off and have stupid amounts of snow, I shall be a very happy lady.
  9. Well I've got my sceptical hat on in regards to snow. I'd rather it snow hard enough to leave a couple of feet and give me days off work than snow only a little bit meaning I have to go to work in absolute chaos that a mm of snow brings.
  10. Well as predicted, very nippy today and the temperature has definately plumetted. I'm taking this snow stuff with a pinch of salt at the moment, after the amazing snow of 2010/11 and then the ramping and monumental disappointment of snow 2011/12, I have been wounded.
  11. It woke me up on and off throughout the night. I think it peaked at around 3am. I believe the roof tiles were jiggling a fair bit and the house was shaking. Only 15mm of rain overnight though, I was expecting much more.
  12. Sheesh. Getting much windier now. Hope yhe huge tree that towers over our house stays up!t As much as I enjoy the extremes, I pray everyone is safe tonight
  13. Anyone else get the feeling this is going to end up as simply a slightly breezy damp squib?
  14. I know! I refuse to hear any until December so I am forever turning over.
  15. Heart radio forecast just said 75mph gusts and 3 inches of rain. Hmmmmm
  16. The OH has gone to play football with his friends in this weather. Methinks it may get called off after them getting soaked.
  17. Getting quite gusty. Our side gate needs you to practically run at full force into it to get it open, yet the wind has opened that bad boy no problem! Although it's not as exciting as snow, I'm quite looking forward to a nice windy night, with me snuggled up warm in bed.
  18. Ah, the epic snow of 2010. I remember it so fondly. Would love to have a repeat of that this year.
  19. I know! I think in my desperation I was hoping for an 'out of nowhere' weather event. Coincidence it was
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