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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. Windy today with a lot of cumulus. The sun shining on them looks very pretty.
  2. I think we'll be missing it again tonight. Have fun for all of you it hits!
  3. Does anyone in my area (North West Kent) want to confirm what we had in the early hours. it has definately rained overnight, but I don't think there was a storm. When I was half asleep last night I thought I heard a distant rumble and I asked the Mr. if he heard it but all i got was him mumbling. I don't know if I dreamed this or not and he doesn't remember as he was gone.
  4. I know it's not heading this way but it feels stormy outside.
  5. I dunno about you but it's got VERY humid here. reminds me of evenings abroad on holiday.
  6. It is very hot for this time of day right now, the sun is still burning. Come one heat! Air feels heavy.
  7. I will be in Essex tomorrow evening which is when stroms are forecast at home. If I miss a good storm, me and Thor will be having words.
  8. Looking at all of that unless something develops more towards the Holland border then i think SE will miss it all.
  9. My garden is a big suntrap so that may explain my neighbours high readings.
  10. Whereabouts in Strood are you? You could be sitting down the road from me, how weird! When I see him I'll ask if he's calibrated it properly.
  11. Right just spoke to my neighbour whose got weather measuring equipment in his back garden. Right now the temp is 26degrees, 60% humidity, CAPE of 600 and LI of -1. He says along with those readings and the charts he just printed off, it should be storming right now. Clear skies and cirrus
  12. So overall, what weather forecast (BBC, Metcheck etc etc) do you think is most accurate and consistent? BBC has been totally inaccurate since winter for me.
  13. Dammit! It's just gone down to 6%. This isn't fair.
  14. Our storm risk has gone up to 45% on Saturday. Here's hoping.
  15. I know, it was all looking good and all the forecasts were predicting storms and then they all go. I better get rewarded for my patience.
  16. Very humid here, the air feels very heavy, but the sky overcast yet very bright. Strange.
  17. Grey and cold outside. But will it rain?
  18. What in the UK is the minimum CAPE that could produce a storm?
  19. I think I have a vague memory of it. I know I would have been about the right age. My Mum was looking out the patio doors and commenting how she had never seen such an evil looking sky as it had almost turned yellow. My dad was up the garden doing something in the shed and my Aunty and Uncle were around. I know that day had been really humid because Dad put the sprinklers on for me and my brother and sister to play in. The rumbling and thunder were quite distant but then all of a sudden there was a very close flash and a bang and my dad nearly jumped out of his skin. By the time he made it into the house it was like a monsoon. We all just stood there watching it through the patio doors. As I was quite young it scared me quite a bit as I'd never heard such loud thunder. It lasted about 25 minutes and seemed to disappear almost as quickly as it appeared. I went outside to splash in all the water afterwards.
  20. Cheers for that. 10% Saturday and 36% Sunday. I can only hope *sigh* A question for everyone: How often have you experienced a thunderstorm when all the indicators suggest one won't happen?
  21. We really need a good heavy rain. It hasn't rained here in nearly a month.
  22. They don't make storms like that anymore. If only i'd filmed the storm of 1997, now that was a bad boy! How does the AM radio thing work?
  23. Where y'all getting your CAPE readings for the weekend from?
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