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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. Should look great over the farmers fields (which is what my garden overlooks). that's where I'll be setting my camera to record if we get anything.
  2. I have a nasty feeling any storms will miss us by a whisker. All the charts seem to show we are on the very periphery for anything. It's like there's an invisible umbrella over us I'll have my camera ready just in case though.
  3. Welcome to the dark side. There's a definite hierarchy i think. Rochester is considered the best, then rainham, then Strood then Gillingham.
  4. It's practically been a draught here in the Medway Towns.
  5. If that just misses me again, i won't be a happy bunny.
  6. I see Michael O'Leary is kicking up a fuss again. He wants to sue for not being able to fly. Hey, you already treat passengers like cattle, why not fly them into dangeous conditions as well?
  7. All i see are cars driving on the road
  8. Do they ever close the M2 bridge when it gets too windy. i imagine it'll be pretty gusty there today.
  9. I posted a link to the twitter account revealing all the injunctions.
  10. Sorry I posted a link to the website naming all the injunctions. Didn't realise that was illegal
  11. Well it finally rained last night. Also had a quick downpour here but missed it as I was in the supermarket. Weirdly it only rained on half the garden. One half is soaking one half is bone dry. You can see the difference in this picture of the decking. Sorry for the quality as it was taken through the window.
  12. Several times now we've had clouds that look like they want to burst only for them to pass over us. It's like there's an invisible umbrella over this part of Kent.
  13. Looks like some serious rain on the horizon.
  14. I am currently doing a raindance AKA cleaning the windows. It will therefore definitely rain the next 24 hours.
  15. I understand now, it was manly the 06z that was confusing me. I already understand the CAPE/LI stuff. Thanks also. I can only hope that map comes true, it's only fair. That is some serious storm potential on the continent!
  16. You do I have no idea what that means don't you? Explain in simpleton language please
  17. It's suddenly got very windy here with strong gusts.
  18. What sort of set up would I have to have to get a decent storm then?
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