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Everything posted by Mapantz

  1. A lot of the fun is the anticipation. I felt a bit withdrawn after the cracking storms on May 26th/27th, as there was nothing much to do, until the next time. I love all the posting and banter in here, as a few 'genuine' pixels start appearing on the radar.
  2. It's cooler this evening, than it was last night, and a nice bit of breeze. Tomorrow could be the day for a second record..
  3. 31°C reached! I'm gonna celebrate with a hot cup of cocoa and put the heating on.
  4. Very unlikely. The warning matrix is in the 'unlikely' category.
  5. I have been stuck at 29.8°C for over 30 minutes now. Interestingly, RH has tumbled to 37%
  6. 28°C at 10:45am here. Hoping to surpass my 30.5°C record from last August.
  7. Not sure. It looks like someone's Rubiks cube fell to pieces.
  8. 28°C at 11am here. While that doesn't seem that impressive as a whole, it is for this location, being so close to the coast. We're being protected from sea breezes during this spell of weather. I wonder if I can break my 30.5°C record from last year?!
  9. I was just looking at my solar graphs from yesterday and today, i'm sure it reminds me of something, just cannot put my finger on it!?
  10. Come Tuesday and Wednesday, a frontal system may add some forcing to aid the breaking of an inversion. It doesn't look like a classic end to the heat though, you'll be lucky (or unlucky) to catch anything- it all looks very isolated.
  11. A bit cloudy to start with, but just blue skies now. Temp: 27°C - Hum: 57% - Dew: 17.7°C - Bar: 1023.74hPa - Wind: Variable @ 6mph.
  12. .. just finished another batch of fibreglassing. It's still 24.4°C out there.
  13. Absolute belter of a day! This weather brings back childhood memories of how I can remember June days. Managed 27.8°C with 48% RH
  14. First heat index usage of the year too.. 28.1°C If only I didn't have a plum tree in the way, during the morning..
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