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Everything posted by Mapantz

  1. Not for here. 120mm fell at my station, ties in nicely with that block of 125 - 150% of the average.
  2. If in doubt, reboot. If that doesn't work, I find smashing my keyboard up helps..
  3. @karlos1983 If I refresh your wunderground page, I briefly see 2.5C before it goes back to 10.6C I'm wondering if you have CMX running twice, by mistake? Press CTRL + ALT + DELETE and click your task manager, see if you have multiple instances running. There is an option in CMX to stop you running more than one.
  4. The dashboard says 2.6C but the graph at 9:30pm shows 2.9C - wondering if it is trying to catch up on the data since it hasn't been online?
  5. The first one that failed, I got sent a replacement for free. They cost about £140 on their own. What I cannot understand is, I have the newer version of the anemometer, as older ones would incur a similar fault - the reed switch fails and the connection stays open. The newer models don't have a reed switch as far as i'm aware, which should stop any issues. The same thing is happening on my second one though, and its the newer model. I can't keep on having these issues, especially when its situated 11m up on a chimney - fed up with it!
  6. Mine has just packed up too. It's stuck at showing North, even though the Vane is moving. This is the second Anemometer to do this, seems a common problem with Davis - not happy!
  7. Gusting to 11mph now. The forecast for rain was way out too. A bad day at the met office
  8. The problem is, the put out a yellow warning 4 days before it occurred, with the notion that they were uncertain. That was a stupid thing to do! You only need to look at the current obs to see that the winds aren't as strong as yesterday, even down on the Cornwall and Devon coasts. There were no warnings for that. Now they are putting out tweets showing 50 to 60mph gusts along the South coast, their forecasts are not matching the current obs. Sandbanks for example, fairly exposed - stations down there are reporting no more than 30mph. A lot of high-res models (majority) show the strongest winds this evening along the coast, the MetO show the winds to be dying down in their forecasts.. I hate knocking the MetO, as they are usually pretty good when it comes to wind events, but just recently, they have become blunderous!
  9. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Oregon-Scientific-WGR800-professional-wind-sensor-/172512061750?hash=item282a852936:g:ZmMAAOSw-0xYiMF0 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Oregon-Scientific-UV-Sensor-UVN800-/222394515566?hash=item33c7bf006e:g:kmgAAOSw5cNYf8K- http://www.weatherspares.co.uk/oregon-scientific-wgr800-anemometer-and-mounting-mast-368-p.asp
  10. It's nowhere near as windy as yesterday, and the MetO windspeed forecasts are way out for this location. It's barely gusting to 20mph. The confusion they bring with warnings is unprecedented! How can they expect folks to understand what is going on when their warnings don't correlate to any of their forecasts, and vice versa? Temp: 8°C - Hum: 92% - Dew: 6.8°C - Rain: 4.2mm - Bar: 992.08hPa - Wind: SSE @ 12mph.
  11. Interesting stat! 488mm here. While it maybe drier than the past few Winters, there's no cause for concern around here. November and January's rainfall was quite a bit above average. There's even been a lot of flooding for areas down here.
  12. A wind run of 340.4 miles yesterday, beating the previous record of 279.9 miles on Christmas day. I've just bit the bullet and paid for a serial key for my timelapse software. It should be back to automatically uploading a timelapse to my site, just after midnight each day.
  13. Very windy! No quad copter flying for me. Temp: 11.2°C - Hum: 91% - Dew: 9.7°C - Rain: 10.2mm - Bar: 992.79hPa - Wind: S @ 16mph.
  14. Pressure just dropped below 1000hPa. Wind gusts of 30mph, wind speed 16mph. Radar looks juicy? I've just finished tarting up my gauges page too: http://www.warehamwx.co.uk/cumulus/gauges.php
  15. I still do not understand why this information is being posted in here? It should be posted in this thread.
  16. My weather software has updated the zambretti forecast on my front page. I never expected it to ever show the forecast icon that i chose to represent it.
  17. Solar sensor repositioned! Although, I will put it up higher when I get a bigger post. Lots of splicing cables and joining to the extension cable, lots of silicone everywhere too.
  18. January has been a very interesting month in these parts. It seemed like a dry month, but rainfall ended up being above average. It turned out to be the wettest month within the last 10. The sunshine recorded at my station was slightly below average, but that is due to my solar sensor not getting a full day of light, so I would say that sunshine was slightly above average overall. The average temp came in below the MetO derived averaged for this area. I managed 8 consecutive frost days, and 13 frost days in total. Fog was prevalent too, almost 72 hours continuous on one occasion. Temperature: High: 11.8 °C - [31st January] Low: -3.7 °C - [25th January] Average: 4.8 °C MetO Derived Average: 5.6 °C Humidity: High: 99 % - [8th January] Low: 49 % - [19th January] Pressure: High: 1039.08 hPa - [18th January] Low: 994.48 hPa - [12th January] Wind: Max Gust: 35 mph - [13th January] Max Speed (10 min avg): 18 mph - [13th January] Avg Speed: 4 mph High Wind Run: 210 miles - [13th January] Dominant Dir: West Rainfall: Total: 120.2 mm MetO Derived Avg: 87 mm Max Rain Rate: 49.4 mm/hr - [25th January] Max Hourly Rain: 9.4 mm - [29th January] Max Daily Rain: 27.4 mm - [12th January] Solar Radiation and Sunshine Data: Max Daily High Solar: 420 Wm⁻² - [28th January] Min Daily High Solar: 79 Wm⁻² - [16th January] Max Sunshine: 5.5 hrs - [3rd January] Min Sunshine: 0 hrs - [9 days] Total Sunshine: 56.9 hrs MetO Derived Avg: 65.9 hrs
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