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Shane Wheeldon

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Posts posted by Shane Wheeldon

  1. I am not getting my hopes up anymore, any showers will either die before they get here then come back to life once they have left or they will miss by a few miles! I had a storm on the witcher 3 earlier even my ps4 is mocking me :D

  2. Note to self: if I ever decide to leave Solihull never, ever move to Shropshire!!!!


    I'm gutted for you guys, not rubbing it in but you really did miss something special last night.


    As for possible scientific reasons: I'm guessing Shropshire's close proximity to the higher ground to the west (aka Wales) must have something to do with it.........?



    We use to get some really good storms here tho but last few years they have really dropped off the radar! I can remember storms starting in the evening  and lasting hours, getting woken up at 2 in the morning and watching the lighting till 5, the going to work at 6! I can even remember been at junior school in the early 80s in the afternoon and it went like night! It was one of those things that stuck with me! 

    Yes if you love storms dont move to Shropshire but if you like stratus clouds then i think it could be a good move ;) 

  3. This year, things are reversed. The places with the least amount of thunder on average are somehow getting the most. We should be getting around 10 days of thunder a year.


    4-6 thunder days? Is this for every 10 years?! Because there is no way will shropshire get 4-6 thunder days in a year lol! 

  4. Not a bad night then!



    That just sums it up! The other night we JUST missed out as the storms sparked just past shropshire! Then last night they miss us again by 20 miles. You cant help but think the weather gods really dont like shropshire lol! So all you guy's  that got a storm im glad you did you deserved it unless you already had some this week then your been greedy and having my share :)


    For all those that missed out i feel your pain. 

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  5. AAARRRGGGHHH!!! Thats how i feel yet again shropshire gets nothing, looks like i really need to find a new passion as i dont drive so cant get to the storms cause they certainly ain't coming to me!! Well done to all you midlanders who got one finally you derseved it :-) but spare a thought for us in the storm starved capital of the Midlands and possibly the uk! 

  6. And no sun- well at least while everywhere else is having a heatwave :-)

    Land of the Stratus in the summer too? Plently of things starting with an S in Shropshire that we would love to see and the only one guaranteed is the Stratus......

  7. Hello Midland thread.............am I in the right thread for Shropshire/Shreswbury?

    Staying down here for a few days and don't want to miss out on any action later

    You are in the right place for midlands chat, but if your looking for storms then Shropshire is not the place to be. I have moved house more times in 4 years then i have seen storms here ( moved house 3 times seen 1 storm!)

  8. Yawn Yawn Yawn Yawn 3 months later same weather, same temperature, 14c slate grey skies howling icy north westerly wind.........

    Dont worry connor the sun will return tomorrow and be here all week untill about 3pm on Friday when it will go AWOL untill Monday again!

  9. Well another weekend and another wet/cool/cloudy*(delete as applicable) affair! Dont worry tho because the blue skies will probably return when we go back to work Monday!!

    All i hope is that when i am off work for 2 weeks at the end of July i get to see some sunshine and use my BBQ!

  10. Finally sunny again now after tipping it down with rain and dropping to 13c the second I finished work, returned to the usual howling westerlies though.

    12z continues the vein of sunny work days, cool damp weekends.


    Still expecting both days this weekend to be like this:


    I know conner it is so frustrating! I had Monday and Tuesday off for my birthday weather was pretty meh! Rest of the week lovely!! Finish work early on a Friday (3:55) to be greeted by rain! You could not make it up! I have wanted to try my BBQ out for 5 weeks but not had a dencent weekend yet weather wise!

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